AIDS infected Earvin "Magic" Johnson mocked and ridicule for his support for Kamala Harris and demands that the brother support him support her

     Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

      Former NBA legend Urban Magic Johnson who eventually caught the AIDS virus and has had to spend millions and millions of dollars on AIDS drugs to keep him alive has once again humiliated himself for the world to see. Irvin "Magic" Johnson is a former NBA legend who had a retire early because he had so much sex with men and women through the years as this utterly reprehensible individual with no morals eventually caught the AIDS virus. Fortunately for Magic Johnson he caught AIDS at the right time where the drugs and the pharmaceutical industry finally caught up to the crippling disease and he has been able to stick around for three decades having to contain himself in his sick sexual aggressions and obsessions. Urban Magic Johnson is a joke who has absolutely no integrity and whenever anyone sees him have the people walk away knowing that he is stricken with a deadly and disgusting disease of his own doing. with this in mind Magic Johnson came out for Kamala Harris in a recent rally in Michigan and told the crowd that black men must need to come out and support this foo. Ervin Magic Johnson likely was paid for this support and he has been mocked and ridiculed as a multi-billionaire former NBA legend needs to keep bringing in income to pay for his life-saving drugs he needs in order to combat his stricken and deadly disease which the AIDS virus still is. Edge Johnson has AIDS and he is very sick and only a massive number of drugs has kept him alive up to 2024 where he can interfere in make unheralded demands that the brothers must support Kamala Harris because he says so.

        Irvin "Magic" Johnson has been mocked and ridiculed by those on the internet who are not Kamala Harris supporters and plan of voting for Trump and they said it's laughable that this multi-millionaire and AIDS stricken jackass would dare to get himself involved in the political world.  Magic Johnson is a dickwad illiterate who has played ball throughout his whole life and doesn't really know politics or policy as this man is not infected by the problems of the real world such as inflation and job and security that has devastated the middle class and has become worse under the Joe Biden Kamala Harrison Administration. No one cares about Earvin Johnson as this is not 1988 and he is long been out of the NBA courts and the limelights and his requests and regression to being this Troll and unqualified political pundit has been shameful. Magic cock Johnson should shut up and just play ball or play with his own balls.

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