Sick Covid authentic authoritarian and fascist Grethen Whitemer mocks Catholics does a weird Tik Tok video plans on running for president in 2028,2032

      Lee Park Kong

      Nasty class of 2020 covid fascist and green party plant within the Democrat Party Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has once again made and ass of herself. Gretchen Whitmer is also hinting that she's going to run for president in 2032 and this nasty bitch did a horrible Tik Tok video mocking Catholics and she is being utterly mocked and disdained all over the internet and she is being called oput as  weird. In a brutal weird video Whitmer fed a Doritos chip to a young woman in either a Catholic indoctrination lesbianism type video or whatever. No one knows what the real agenda and purpose of this video was  as this video from Tick Tock that Governor Michigan Whitmer released is more of the reason we need to end Tik Tok. 

    These primarily female social media influencers who get so much corporate money for silly videos that get no more than 2,000 likes and the amount of money that is diverted by this corrupt corporate system in reverse sexism towards women through social media is utterly reprehensible and discrimination throughout this various platform.  Over 95% of the Tik Tokers are

getting corporate money and advertising are women and indeed it is men's money that is being rediverted through this weird gender redistribution effort by Big Tech and funding of women's products and marketing that is a byproduct of the corruption Western capitalism and corrupt government. Naturally a scumbag like

Gretchen Whitmer as a bad female politician and I reckon the reason they didn't want to give women to vote was so scum like Gretchen Whitmer. This monster governor Frankenstein authoritarian used her policies in 2020 to suppress the American people through a overhyped Chinese virus and scam of it. Gretchen Whitmer fed a young female the Doritos chip and then the camera cut to her ugly face and what subliminal anti-Catholic message remains to be scrutinized and dissected. The fact is the Democrat party does not like Catholics and takes them for granted and often getting their votes of generational Catholic voters and the disrespect that they openly show for Catholics such as this Gretchen Whitmer weird video isn't uncommon theme.

       Gretchen Wimmer is just a weird woman and the idea of this weird woman would be an actual presidential Contender is something the only thing Democrat Party media keeps repeating the eagle and narcissism of Gretchen Whitmer and the media hyping her is making her think that she could be a presidential material and Gretchen Whitmer's planning on running for president in 2028 the last thing this country needs is this weird woman feeding Doritos and perhaps she can use this to court women and their love of food when Gretchen Whitmer does make her

presidential run in 2028 or 2032. She could be the Doritos fat women candidate and just constantly feed women in her campaign ads and material. Gretchen Whitmer is a disgusting Democrat and a typical woman within the Democrat Party committed to Marxism and weirdness and these are the calling cards and trademarks of today's Democrat Party and their top major politicians in Congress and the US Senate

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