Fannie Willis lover Nathan Wade is Man On The Run after she announces pregnancy and the feds want to subpoena his testimony

Ed Anger


      Former NBA player and special prosecutor for Fannie Willis Nathan Wade is on the run special subpoena for Nathan Wade to appear before a Judiciary Committee headed by Jim Jordan was ignored by this bald head radical stupid and for several days. The FBI have been looking for making waiting and demanding that he speaks in a investigation into Fanny Wells. The far left and radical black supremacist attack on our democracy going after Donald Trump with various racist district attorneys is being resisted heavily and now the shoe is on the other foot as Nathan Wade and Fanny Willis are in the hot seat.   

 Nathan Wade and Fanny Wills are two corrupt individuals from the Atlanta area who have used politics in government in the Democrat Party to enrichen themselves and their pocketbooks. Fanni Willis and her illegitimate attack against a democracy with her prosecution is Donald Trump seeing her case fall apart and Nathan Wade wants nothing to do with this shit anymore. 

Nathan Wade is man on the run trying to get away not only from this tyrant and scumbag girlfriend of his Fanny Willis whom he he's tired of fucking in the ass, but he's also man on the run against the government the federal government wants him to testify as  Republicans are pressing forward

investigation of this Georgia District Attorney and their collusion within the Joe Biden Kamala Harris campaign team to interfere in our elections with their unjust prosecutions against Donald Trump. They

can wait as a former NBA baller is that somehow got involved with his fat bitch prosecutor in Atlanta and this nefarious Democrat Party election interference attack against Donald Trump. Their fake cases are falling apart before their eyes whether Nathan Wade makes it an escapes to the Caribbean or to Africa is not known, but this guy clearly wants nothing to do with this

case and he knows it is going nowhere and he and Fannie Wells are fucked up. Nathan Wade his Man On The Run looking for a way out and to avoid the testimony that will be necessary to totally bring about the fall of this Egghead

Fanning Willis. The Democrat Party and their attack against Donald Trump is one of the more sinister plots and conspiracies we've ever seen in this country and slowly one by one they are falling apart and going to get prosecuted for their attack on our democracy. Nathan Wade is desperately trying to change his name in his look wearing wigs and some are suggesting that the man has been looking into

transgenderism in an attempt to change his gender in order to avoid federal prosecution for the lies and bullshit that he and Fanny Wells have provided for the Democratic fascist party in this country. The Democrat Party and their slide into fascism using black supremacist and racist disgruntled district attorneys such as Fannie Wilson, Alvin Bragg,  Latina James and they are a disgrace and third world politics. One has to constantly remind the country in the world the Democratic party of today is not your grandfather's or great grandfather's Democratic party this is a sick global cabal and fascist movement the six to undermine not only the democracy and Constitution of United States but other free countries of the free world.

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