Great Gamers Nikos and Mistakos continue to grift pretending to be Jews and Palestinian Muslims on Tik Tok

     Alexi Mousolpololous

     The great Gamers G Raymer's YouTubers are not still grifting and getting donations and money exploding the Israeli Palestinian war in Gaza for almost a year these two have been pretending to be Israelis and Palestinians arguing split screen on Tick Tock. and the amount of money that these two have been able to accumulate are in the 3 million Nico mustachos are incredible Greek speaking Gamers who play video

games and have one of the biggest YouTube channels under tremors on YouTube they often also give their political opinions on daily topics of the day and since the October 7th Butchery of 1700 Jews on a single day. Nikos and Mistakos  are pretending to be rivals and of different religious and ethnic groups in the Middle East battling it out on Tik Tok to the eats of wild dance music. However, the problem is both Nikos and mystical have no steak candy is real Palestinian war and these guys are neither Jewish or Palestinian they have been called out for their grifting and indeed Tik Yok is taking them off several times only for these two dudes Macedonia Macedonia trolls and farm contentors to basically restart their Tik Tok grift under a different identity. 

     Nikois and Mistakos are raking in the bricks from China as Young Gotti would say and indeed they're grifting and faking through the Gods of war between Israel and Hamas. The fighting in Gaza has been good for them by some accounts the number of donations that these guys receive a days $30,000 and these dudes are constantly

getting money and people donating to their Tik Tok channel for whatever reason. Nikos and Mistakos are masters at using Big Tech to profit and scam and they're continuing grifting has been very financially well off for them pretending to be individual players affected by the Israel and Hamas War.

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