Introducing Jackson Woods as centralist mocks Donald Trump is McDonald's visit and makes fun of Whoopi Golders huge custom toilets

Andrew Clayton

     Jackson Woods is this YouTube centralist and this is someone who is right and smack in the middle of the political spectrum willing to bash the right and the left. Mr Woods released a video where he was mostly negative on Donald Trump's visit in McDonald's mocking the idea that Donald Trump will try to be an average person by donning and apron and serving fucking French fries while many on the right have praised this obvious political stunt.

Independents and the far left have bashed Mr Trump and his McDonald's dance finding it odd and bizarre. Jackson Woods indeed  wondering how much money secretly Trump has received from the McDonald's  Corporation and help doing a political news  promotion. Jackson Woods says make no mistake that McDonald's is a large corporation and the idea

that Donald Trump would be in one of the restaurants in such a large political picture opportunity on the weekend must have been some golden arches for the McDonald's corporation. The amount of money that McDonald's likely setting up this political visit cannot be understated and Mr Woods said ironically a new E coli back on bacteria scandal is hitting McDonald's and he

wonders if Donald Trump did something to the onions in the restaurant. while mocking Trump Jackson also mocked the cackling hens at the view including fuck face jabba the hut Whoppi Goldberg by pointing out her hypocrisy as she is out of touch with the average person and not just Trump.

Goldberg custom triple x toilets get so clogged with her shit that she often has workers scuba it out of he piping and she treats them quite literally like her massive shits she dumps and why need such a massive toilet. 

       Jackson woods and mocked and ridiculed Donald Trump while the same time praised aspects of Mr Trump's visit to McDonald's trying to relate with a working people and showing some respect of those on the lower social economic job occupation. Mr Trump served fries and a Big Mac and Jackson Woods said the event looks staged

and fake and that Donald Trump's hands did indeed touch the French fries contrary to the claim that no hands touch these French fries that are being served these delicious French fries are being served to the people checks and wood says Trump needs to do better rallies in this and he got a check from a friendlier media looking at the poll numbers of Donald Trump and realizing

negativities not going to help come out here and they will be at the mercy of the upcoming Trump Administration. Jackson Wood says he wants to see Trump improve the working conditions in raise higher incomes for people serving fast food if Trump is such a fan. What legislation he can pass indeed to increase the pay of the

important job of McDonald's was not discussed in Mr Trump's rally. Jackson Woods is another negative troll on the internet and this guy was just trolling with his negativity on what was otherwise agreed a incredible successful Trump campaign event whether Jackson Woods likes it or not.

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