Jimmy Dore rips Howard Sterns wig off and blasts the geriatric jackasses butt hole in kiss ass Kamala interview

 Patrick Jennings

.   Howard Stern is a wig-wearing dumb ugly motherfucker (UMF) who somehow has scammed the system and is still getting paid 40 million a year to do 120 radio shows on XM Sirius a year. The disgusting wig-wearing troll had an embarrassing video interview with Kamala Harris where he basically kissed and licked the ass of this horrible Kalifornia politician never mentioning the bad results of her policies and political leadership in the failed State of Kalifornia taking the C out of it. With this in mind the stupid Howard Stern is still being roasted by individuals for his softball interview and YouTuber Jimmy Dore was the latest to attack Howard Stern and his wig. Jimmy Door went off and he wondered why XM Siri satellite even has Howard Stern Show in 2024 and who the hell is listening to this garbage. Dore played several clips of Howard Stern kissing the ass of Kamala and essentially being a very friendly interview with no hard questions and this is because Howard Stern has regressed into being this far-left woke partisan maniac who wants to suppress the rights of other people to meet his own bizarre and psychotic belief system. 

    Howard Stern is complete garbage, and he is no comedic sense anymore nor any talent and it's quite unbelievable that XM Series satellite has not noticed and continues to pay him an annual salary. Jimmy Dore and his partner crew Metzger ripped the ass and Howard Stern and the stupid comments about raisin bran cereal and Doritos that were brought up as Howard Stern basically just brings politician Democrat politicians in attempt to raise them up with small and boring talk. There can no really be no Howard Stern fans at this date no ratings and Mr Door and Kurt Metzger wondered how much longer XM Series satellite radio is going to prop up this hook nose silly son of a bitch known as Howard Stern. The man adds absolutely nothing and is a disgrace to the microphone in the world of Broadcasting Metzger and Dore said that stern started to get woke weird after Howard joined "America's Got Talent" that he dramatically changed and Howard is far removed from the days when he had the strippers and lesbians on his program. Stern has dropped his brain on politics and his brain is butter suffering from obvious Rock 'N Roll dead matter syndrome and a rock and talk type of early dementia and has regress to the point where he refuses to leave his house. Stern is sick in the head and is worried about a little virus and catching one of them in the air so he stays home does his 100 shows a year and watches a lot of TV and porn.

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