Psychopath Palestinian propagandist Scott Ritter continues to lie and spread misinformation on the war with Hezbollah and Hamas

      Brian Brain

      Scott Ritter has to be one of the sickest and biggest propagandist on the side of the terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The repulsive far-left former weapons inspector and perpetual scumbag and major guest comes on all these little viewed podcasts and YouTube channels to bash Israel on a daily basis. Scott Ritter is a disgusting pro terrorist left-wing brain damaged lunatic who often has many guest appearances on other shows and he's always saying that the Hamas and Hezbollah organizations are winning their wars against Israel. Scott Ritter is an anti-semite who has a strong hatred and disdain for the Jewish people and naturally this guy as a habitual liar will come out and try to discredit and attack the state of Israel. brain fart Scott Ritter recently came on some pieces of shit YouTube show named Danny Haiphong  and basically bashed the state of Israel and their recent incursions into Hezbollah that have essentially taken out many Hezbollah leaders and has this one-time powerful terror network organization disemboweled and disorganized. 

      The damage that Israel has done to his Hezbollah has been amazing and could explain why Iran seems to be shooting missiles and trying to avenge the damage that Israel is obviously doing to one of their major proxies. Of course, the human foreskin Scott Ritter's crazed brain and bubble in universe Israel is losing an all fronts and this man is in such a delusional deranged antisemitic belief system he is hoping and praying that the Palestinian demons win this war. The sky riders often very biased in what he says and very misinformative is this guy does nothing but appear another YouTube channels and his own to spread as much in misinformation about the war Israel's had to fight on seven fronts now Israel is quite literally hammering their enemies despite having so many along their border and despite the best efforts of the theocratic psychotic Iranian state lobbying missiles at the state of Israel. The Jewish State continues to send in soldiers and gain territory killing as many terrorists as they can along their border. Israel is waiting for a major attack on Iran and it may be a while before it, but in the meantime they have been carving up Hamas and Hezbollah In both Hamas and Lebanon and this has his psychopath propagandist and total dipshit Scott Ritter in a heap . Israel continues to delete the top leaders of these fucking evil organizations and for the likes of brain-damaged Scott Ritter are having fits of anger and rage which is damaging his little brain. Ritter can't stop going to all these shows and lying about the war in the Middle East as this man is he committed Marxist and thus he's an ally of Islamist and the toxic Alliance of these two evil ideologies cannot be understated

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