Steve Dahl Gary Meyer and Eddie Schwartz declare Total War in Iran is Eddie Schwartz gets emotional of ballistic

Patrick Jennings

       Chicago radio Legends Steve doll Gary Meyer and former rival Eddie Schwartz got together to talk about the horrific attack from Iran against Israel. Over 180 missile attacks were launched from this evil Islamic fascist state that is run by a lunatic government of theocrats and Ayatollah=\. The current leader of Iran is a lunatic name Ali Khamenei and Dahl and Meyer have been calling for his death for some time. Steve Doll is waiting for Israel to send some missiles at his house and to send the Ayatollah a to hell where he belongs. Iran is a great Satan one of the most evil regimes we've ever seen of Islamic radicals and fascists and their attack against Israel almost made Eddie Schwartz break down as he discussed the possibility of a Mideast World War opening up. Eddie Schwartz got together with fellow

Chicago radio legends Steve Dahl and Garry Meier and all said they wants to see Iran utterly destroyed for what they have done. Fat 700 pound Eddie says the Iranians are modern day Nazis with the same original hate of Muhammed in 632  death be upon him. Schwartz is right Islam is an the existential threat to the Jewish people and that the world has not seen since World War II in the Nazi party, meanwhile Dahl said that Iran has been helped by the Democratic party. The technology of their missiles and nuclear capabilities need to be utterly destroyed in the coming days by Israel. Steve Dahl and Gary Meyer made several prank calls towards Iran calling various Islamic chicken places and warning the owners that their countries are about to be fucking bombed to the Stone Age and not to make large chicken halal orders. Meanwhile, Eddie Schwartz nearly came to tears of thinking about the suffering

that the Jews have been as part of the history in this latest attack by Islam will fascists against the state of Israel it's just a long line of brutal programs that the Jews have faced in the Middle East primarily from Islamic barbarians such as the Iranians. Steve Dahl and Eddie Schwartz agreed that basically Iran as we know it needs to be utterly destroyed and split up much like the old Austrian-Hungry Empire after World War I. The old lands and stans of Persian country actually could be split to four countries of

various ethnicities and this should be the eventually be raised in the place of modern day Iran. Gary Myers says that the modern Ayatollah Khamenei looks like the original Ayatollah in the late seventies  and they both need to be reunited with her 72 gay virgins in hell. It might be soon as clearly Israel has on its targets the Iranian supreme cocksucker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who is a dead man walking before

the Iran supreme leader will join Hezbollah former leader Hassan Nasrallah whom Israel deleted last week sending the sick and satanic Hezbollah leader to his demonic maker. Make no mistake, Ali Khamenei will join Hassan Nasrallah all of these other monster Hamas and Hezbollah leaders who have been killed since this war with Israel has started  and Khamenei will be soon at the at the gates of hell after being deleted by Israel a few days ago. Dahl and Meyer look forward to the destruction of Iran as these two have hated the country since the original hostage crisis and again they emphasize that Iran should not exist as it is now and it's end is coming.

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