Steven Crowder rips Howard Stern in another disgusting kiss ass interview with Kamala Harris

  Arnold Armstrong

       The corrupt corporate mainstream media continues to aid and health being a wing of the Democrat Party. The disgusting wig wearing Howard Stern interviewed Kamala Harris this week and yet another kiss ass softball interview by this disgusting troll and 80-year-old disgusting vile despicable human being known as Howard Stern. The geriatric jackass complains and cried about Donald Trump as he interviewed Kamala Harris and for Louder with Crowder host Steven Crowder this was another opportunity to bash the wig wearing asshole known as Howard Stern. Steven Crowder played Howard Stern Show and did a live stream covering this failed interview and Mr Crowder quite literally tore into the old ass of this weird dipshit from the Roosevelt, New York native. Mr Stern grew up as pone of the few White kids in this heavily black school and he was beat and raped in the shower son a daily basis and this explains his erratic and sick behavior through the years. Steven Crowder went through the years of Howard Stern's regression shown several videos of this cycle during 2020 and his authoritarianism evil streak that the wig-wearing geriatric jackass is Howard Stern has always had in his deep and dark black heart.

         Howard Stern has regressed to the point where he's become this German germ phobia left-wing woke dumbass who has little respect with younger people such as Steve Crowder. Many young people don't even know who Howard Stern is and this is what is the laughable that XM Sirius satellite radio continues to pay this wig fucker so much money to talk nonsense. Crowder and his crew laughed as this self-proclaimed

King of all Media shrimping about Trump's narcissism and the wig wearing bald fuck called trump a narcissist liked it mattered throughout the interview with ugly Kamala. If anyone is a narcissist it is as loudmouth, arrogant, privilege bum who has no talent and just talks and got paid by a media class intent on supporting vile filth intermedia such as this sleazeball Howard Stern. Stern is a classless, celebrity kissing jackass who is determined to help the Democrat Party as

Mr Stern and corporate satellite radio is a wing of the Democrat Party. Steven Crowder and his game cannot believe that Howard Stern would regress his point where he kisses the ass of a politician with an authoritarian Pro censorship streak and clearly the money has gotten to Howard Stern's wig and his brain.

     Howard Stern is a man with little integrity and credibility and this guy with his 60 million dollar a year contract to talk talking trash about Trump supporters is utterly reprehensible. This media elite and whore wig wearing jackass quite literally is a monarch straight out of old Britain and it is pieces of shit like Howard Stern what made this country go independent Steven Crowder and other right wingers continue to mock Howard Stern and they likely will do so until the day he dies as this this untalented

loudmouth privilege Bozo continues to be a member of the media despite having no skills and no real following anymore in 2024. Howard Stern's reprehensible and partisan softball interviews with both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are reprehensible and further evidence why we need to get these two out of office and destroy their agenda and the likes of scumbag Howard Stern

.Donald Trump is winning in the polls and for scum like Howard Stern there is panic going on in the voice ,in what little is left of his  brain, and one could clearly hear as this lunatic interview date maniac politician of a Democrat Party that there is fear and they know they know the eventual outcome and second coming Trump adminstration. Make no mistake Trump is rising in the polls

because of the establishment and the scum they keep having represent them within the Democrat Party and the crop media such as Howard Stern some could say that Howard Stern and his League wearing shoes quite literally is helping Donald Trump rise in the polls against this woman he just interviewed as Stern is such a repulsive and sick individual no one likes or respects him and they likely would vote for the opposite of what he says

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