The spicy girls regressed to complete drunken degeneracy debauchery and possibly lesbianism The Tick Tock sensation known as a spite

 Bill Gilmore

    The Tik Tok sensation known as The Spicy girls has regressing to complete degeneracy and debauchery. These Tick Tock Superstars often drunk often on their Tik Tok Channel and they are proud to flaunt their hedonistic lifestyle with each other like many young women from other lands and stans who come to America with student visas. These Spicy Girls have been utterly reprehensible and seem to be living on a unlimited credit card like so many other Visa students from other countries. The Spicy Girls travel so much and must come from privilege wealthy background and they seem to be only hang around each other and other spicy Indian girls. The only male member they have and hang around is a degenerate obvious homosexual and the spicy girls represents a weird promoted Brown representation of extreme feminism and male hatred as can be seen in their Tik Tok videos. 

      These racist Brown women also seen the mock the culture of the host country that they are studying in and exactly what citizenship they have in purpose in America aside from making these debauchery videos remains to be questioned. The spicy girls may indeed  be a bunch of lesbians lipstick lesbians who just promote this type of Lifestyle with each other in ethnic self-segregation and promotion of lesbianism to Brown women and young girls. What's a real purpose of the spicy girls remains unknown yet they are huge numbers and are being promoted heavily by Tik Tok what is really odd that these hot looking young ladies is that they never seem to have boyfriends and are only interested in each other. Again the only male member that seems to be in many of their videos is an obvious and open flaming homosexual the real purpose of the Spicy Girls remains to be seen, but it does seem to be that they are to promote lesbianism and this explain why Tik Tok promotes the debauchery that these girls represent the spicy girls are an internet sensation and their popularity a huge stain and purposeful drive by the Chinese own Tik Tok organization

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