The time Jesse Lee Peterson interviewed a man who claimed to be an ape and an atheist and he recalsl the numerpus death threats he recieves to this day

    Rusty Stone 

.     The credible Jesus ordained pastor and YouTuber known as Aron Ra who claims to be a Ape alien from hell and the planey Apelandia. Jesse Lee Peterson has had many weird guests throughout his career the hilarious and awesome right wing radio show host makes a mockery of the race hustlers, tranny dressers, Muslim extremists, and atheist assholes throughout his career and Mr Lee Peterson has been so successful, and it is so hated he has been receiving death threats on a weekly basis. In addition to the death threats that Jesse Lee Peterson has been receiving all the time he also gets all these slanderous bizarre left-wing accusations that he is a homosexual and most likely this is done by radical homosexual leftists angered than Mr Jesse Peterson tarnishes and kicks their ass in many of his videos and religious revelations.

     About 2 years ago in a video I just discovered Jason Lee Peterson had his  apeshit atheist ape a lunatic named Aron Ra who was a outspoken and radical atheist and who claimed that all apes are aliens and claimed that all humans come from the grand Apes. Quite literally this man believes in the planet of the Apes and that we are in Ape species from another planet as this

weird lunatic guest predicted that the Apes will be coming in Alien Invaders from the Planet of the Apes and  will be visiting Earth in about a couple years from the timetable of this man's prediction. These Apes should be coming any second and the number of UFO sightings and weird hurricanes could be the coming of the Planet of the ape

invaders. Of course, this weirdo most likely was on fentanyl at the time and this atheist ape dipshit was utterly humiliated by Jesse Lee Peterson in this interview with Jesse Lee getting under his skin with his interview style and humiliating counter-text of their crazed anti-Christian and anti-religious

home The Atheist ape so angry he almost came through the screen and wanted to attack Jesse Lee Peterson and indeed had they been in the same room this ape brain dipshit likely would have attacked the elderly Mr Peterson just leave Pearson is one of the most outstanding YouTubers and funny interviewers I've ever seen and his ability to stand out and deliver a kick in the groin and balls to dipshit such as this Pro ape and self-procl so proclaimed ape was indeed one of his greatest shows in the past 3 to 4 years

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