UFOs and aliens seen all over Tick Tock and the world freaking out many as the coming aliens rock group develops and Nathan Stopleman blows vape smoke on hurricane seeding

         Jake Glass

       Animal stories

    Doshi the cat that once belonged to Nathan Stopleman may indeed be returning with bunch of musician aliens in the summer of 2028. We have long made this prediction and  sometimes pushing the invasion date  back a few years, but the incredible cat that was part of Lift The Veil podcaster Nathan Stopleman is still is missed by many. Nathan Stopleman had a cat in his background in his conspiracy podcast and more people watch the cat's antics then listen to the conspiracy crazy nonsense of Nathan Stopleman like many is going nuts with these hurricanes and UFO sightings that are all over Tik Tok and indeed Mr Stopleman and wonders if aliens are the ones seeding and creating these hurricanes for Mass confusion right before an invasion. 

    All over Tik Tok fear mongering of aliens and weird lights, but once again we have always made the assertion that if aliens have the technology to travel from another planet they do not need lights on their craft ever. The idea that these sightings by these drug addicted Tik Tokers and Millennial Z have any merit is laughable. Nathan Stopleman of Lift The Veil brings out his vape pen and sucks it like he wishes it was a black cock or a black cat. Nathan Stopleman and misses his Siamese cats and now the day goes by where tears flow from the eyes and face of the Lift The Veil holes who has a subscriber base of 200 devoted followers. 

     Nathan Stopleman played many of these UFO videos as he has long been a spokesman and an advocate of a coming UFO Invasion like us and indeed if my prediction is right his dead cat and his spirit will play major part with the rock stars that will be coming from the Planet X.  The nefarious rock music band called the Aliens will be like the British Invasion of the Beatles in 2028 and they will have this kryptoid augmented reality of a dead cat Doshi with them planning and the ghost of Doshi we believe the UFO sightings that are coming might be the beginning wave of the main revelation of rockers and rocking to come with the alien rock band who will have some of the craziest music not heard since the Star Wars scene in Cantina original Star Wars movie. 

     The aliens are coming according to many of these Tik Tokers who cannot stop posting showing pictures of this upcoming alien invasions freaking out many people and to the point where many are losing sleep and needed to be heavily medicated through their UFO fear mongering. a recent video and ship seen in Afghanistan that's like a balloon that has alien corpses or bodies attacked to it  is also freaking out people and is becoming internets meme and sensation. Nathan Stopleman talked about the hurricanes and how they brought havoc and he sucked on his vape pen leaning out a big blow of smoke which pretty much redefined his entire UFO and hurricane podcast episode. This guy is all smoke as are these other UFO whack jobs and winkers

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