Steve Crowder and Chris Cappy warns Mexico and Canda and call for a US expedition to battle cartel moves closer

     Arnold Armstrong

    The situation in Mexico has gone out of control with violence and gang warfare between cartels with threatening to spill off across the border. These Sinola-based cartels are fighting for a trade in the illicit drug train that is worth billions of dollars and the Mexican criminals have used this to purchase many of our politicians which have allowed and encouraged migrant chains gangs to cross the border and then make money from this human smuggling. Both Task and Purpose Chris Cappy and Steven Crowder of Louder with Crowder talk about these gains of the cartel and the need to take them on with Steven Crowder warning Mexico that we can make it it's 51st 51st States or put it under some Puerto Rican type

administration very easily and just take their land as we did before. Crowder is outraged that the Mexicans think that they can counter a tariff war against America that is initiated by the United States in a just cause after years decades of human migration criminal invasions and the fentanyl drug being imported into our country killing thousands of Americans. 

     Steven Crowder also warned his native Canada that we could easily seize that country as well if they're not careful and if they don't cease to take economic advantage of us through global trade and their refusal to ever acknowledge this unequal trade deals that past corrupt demonstrations allowed .The Trump coming in

administration seeks to up end this trade unbalances and inequality and trump will wreck this sick trade system. Chris Cappy meanwhile will be is watching the situation in Mexico as the violence of the Mexican

cartels fighting threatens to spill across the bill the border if not with the same intensity that what we're seeing in Mexico's beheadings and mass violence.  Chris says it must be terrible living in these Mexican drug cartel zones where you go out of your house you run the risk through these gangs and the fascist American Democrat party has been working with these cartels for way too long allowing them to set up operations and work within our borders either on drug sales or

cheap labor importing. The brutality of these cartels in their war between factions within Mexico is scary according to Chris Cappy can't be denied as they basically will pull over people in their cars  and look at their phones and they find

any connection with a rival game member that they have programmed on artificial computer intelligence software they will take you prisoner for some time if you survive. Chris Cappy says the torture and brutal tactics of these savages can't be described and is very alarming as clearly these drugged out Mexicans involved in

cartels are extremely sick and violent people and the Democrat party has allowed sol many of them to freely cross the border.  Thankfully though Cappy says if the United States is pretty much infiltrated the Sonona cartel and it's global operations and the Mexican government has created a National Guard to deal exclusively with cartel

violence in cartel operations and previously the Mexican military never had the National Guard before. Crowder went off on Mexico saying that they have imported $22,000 pounds of fentanyl enough to kill 5 billion people and then they want us to build their country. Crowder suggested instead of that we just take over the country and fight their battles against the cartel for them and likewise this can be done with Canada as well with he failed left-wing leadership that's unable to even stop immigration from

around the world coming to their country as failed their country and Canadians are increasingly living under the thumb of brutal pro censorship authorrian from an increasing dictator that is Justin Trudeau. we have long p;redicted a second mexican war and this tine this nation of inequality p[eons and uber rich where the uber ones send all of their poor el Noerte will not continue and will be ended once and for all.

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