Rusty Stone
The incredible troll podcast propagandist known as David Pakman continues to get invitations from Piers Morgan who seems sexually smitten with Mr Packman the older Mr Morgan loves to have these left-wing lunatics to debate other people and get them agitated and basically David packman knows his role on the Pierson Morgan show. The Argentine born Venezuelan type socialist was out of bounce and cannot shut up with his trolling and arrogance. Dave Rubin was also on the panel and at one moment after being interrupted numerous times by this left-wing lunatic who is not a man but an ant we call out David Pakant for the smug prick that he is. David Pakant went on to mention how many more
subscribers and viewers he has on YouTube along with fellow panelists, friend, and left wing scumbag Tyler Cohen Brian. Together the two love this often try to gang up on Dave Rubin under arguments concerning the post-election outlook and the picks of Donald Trump to his incoming administration Dave Rubin is a king observer and strong debater and he was not having any of their lies and shit that these two YouTubers usually get to present often un unchallenged on their left-wing podcast propaganda channels. Dave Rubin had enough of the smugness and stupidity of this transnationalism pakman and
Rubin called this fucker a smug prick live right on air for all to hear from both sides of the pond. David Pakant was humiliated as the prick that he is and indeed Pakman seemed to be on hardcore drugs and very high perhaps on uppers as his eyes looked shot his face swollen and his head beady.
For the likes of Brian Cohen Tyler and David Pakman the only time they actually debate conservatives like David Rubin is when they appear on huge and different programs such as Piers Morgan and this is where you can get the political debate and dialogue that is often lacking on these left-wing programs which I call podcast propaganda. David Pakprick did so much talking that his other
leftist panel member Brian Cohen Tyler barely even spoke and once again this jackass was wearing a hoodie seeming to ditch his $8,000 suits which have often commented and mocked him and his Progressive propaganda channel. About the only thing good one could say about Tyler Brian was his style and dressing ability which obviously this obnoxious and
nauseous this silver spooned rich brat could afford as his suits were no less than ten grand each this foo living of his trust fund. This was a great debate on Piers Morgan's program and once again it's good to see these troll leftists get challenged and called out names that they sold surely deserve
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