The punk and the hick Scott Horton goes off and battles your boy Benny Johnson on Pierson Morgan show

      Wally Jackson

     The horrible leftist and propagandist anti-war deep State supporter Scott Horton made his appearance on the Pierson Morgan show this punk runs something called the and has recorded some $6,000 episodes of pure propaganda on California's Kl small time radio station. This propagandist and supporter of Hamas and the Russians is directly funded by the source of agitation and Mr Horton is both a hick and a fucking punk. The Sorry pirate ass looking bastard appeared on Piers Morgan ready to do battle on the panel and indeed it was your boy Benny and his black t-shirts who drew the ire and anger of Scott Horton.  Scott Horton yelled insistently during the this debate panel in his support for Hamas and the defunding of Israel blaming the United States and Israel for committing in genocide with his usual

lies misinformation and propaganda. The Hick Scott Horton and Benny Johnson got into an eye or tussle with Horton calling Benny a dumb bastard among many other loud and rude comments that Scott Horton unexpectedly used in a profane rant. Clearly tough boy Scott Horton would not say these things if all of these men had been in the same studio instead of being connected from zoom and clearly this punk Horton feels embolden to call people names and demean them when he is not in the same room. Scott Horton was unhinged, and had a meltdown unable to explain his defense why America is that far for the Ukraine war it's kind of hard and made no mention of the numerous Wars of Putin prior to the Ukraine war which number five or six as Putin has been a bully waging wars on all his neighbors and smaller States. 

    It appears with Ukraine Putin picked the wrong country to fight and this bothers both Horton and Benny Boy as both have problems with Americas involvement and defense of these smaller countries and apparently defending the downtrodden and indefensible is something your boy Benny and Punk Scott Horton do not want to see

America involved, Apparently both Benny and Horton believe that the Chinese empire and Russians should expand and these two evil authoritarian countries should rule all of east Asian an d eastern Europe and

Central Asian. I would love to see this pro-Russian panel during World War II and clearly Scott Horton and Benny Johnson would be defending fascist Italy, Nazi Germany. and Jap empire and make a case that we should not get involved stopping the evil expansion of the Axis during World War II. The hick Scott Horton and the punk Benny Johnson were out of control and they need to start blaming Hamas terrorists and Russian fascists to why there is conflict and war in Europe and The Middle East. 

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