Bill Gilmore
Blackjack Morgan doesn't like what he sees the YouTuber sees a total regression of the younger generation and everything's in society is regressing from the way people dressed even the cars that we drive check Morgan is this amazing YouTuber who runs a fast and growing opinion podcast where he looks at society and as a cultural social critic delivers tough critique on Millennials and other young people who quite literally are crashing in society. Jack Morgan played some Tick Tock videos of a guy complaining that he couldn't pay with Bitcoin to his barber people this new generation and the entitled and privilege entitlement to the people of this new newer generation. utterly Blackjack Morgan utterly ripped these people new
generation and their music to value system obsession with gaming and sweat pants as they don't even know how to dress and every female teenager wears lounge wear and sweats that look like boys clothing and clothes that have been associated with teen boys since complained about the design of new McDonald's and fast food this is some indication that we are regressing and he bashed Elon Musk small home ideas saying he would rather live in in a van than what Elon Musk is offering.
Jack Morgan went off on the modern new architect and art and how about just everything created and is new is cheap and inferior and Jack Morgan is making this regression of society a series as the sane and attune YouTube host can't believe the shit he sees all around him and through Tik Tok of this" shit generation' as Morgan describes these furies and young people. Black Jack Morgan says America is becoming a third world country, but he doesn't say why it is and the chief reason is we have been
invaded by third world toilet people and the Democratic racial revenge party is behind this conspiracy through the decades. Society is going backwards and this is the recent theme of Jack Morgan's program and set of various videos with a serious look at the regression of Americana. The landscape suck and all they build are these multi-dwelling housing UN agenda 21 housing trying to cramp people up in these Lego block Soviet Cabrini Green housing instead of the white traditional picket solo housing that offered more privacy. Black Jack Morgan says fuck it he is going to keep wearing tank tops and will not dress up anymore as he ripped his 1400 dollar leather coat and said there is no reason to wear this in Florida.
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