All Metal leo wants for Christmas are less San Francisco dead malls and Union Square to be reestablished

          Jay Yang

     The great YouTuber who looks at empty stores and the four lease signs is a YouTuber by the name of Metal Leo. Mr Leo recently walked and showed the crisis in San Francisco with the number of empty stores in Union Square and how this one-time great downtown, a jewel of the West Coast, has regressed thanks to failed Kalifornia politicians. Metal Leo walk through Union Square in San Francisco and even though

there are still some stores around many are empty and have the dreaded For Lease sign that Empty Leo talking about having t shirt trademarked this term. Metal Leo also walked into the one-time horrendous field fully occupied mall and showed how empty the mall is in San Francisco and how crime is out of control. In fact, the metal one saw

federal police called in and brought breaking up a crowd of mob youths who were fighting over bicycle as he did his San Francisco walkabouts and the amount of empty stores and human feces and Metal Leo saw while walking around was utterly reprehensible. Metal Leo noticed in the high end and expensive stores that still abound in Union Square there are more mannequins than people and who in San Franshit city could afford some of the prices of these luxury stores the metal one walked into. All Mendelio Leo wants for Christmas is a nice and thriving downtown San Francisco.

Indeed they do have a big tree and many people walking about for the holiday. This by having many people walking about it's downtown. Metal Leo found more empty stores than occupied stores and he showed empty store after empty store including the soon-to-be empty Macy's store in San

Francisco. All Metal Leo wants for Christmas is for these West Coast California cities to be what they once were and for Californians to actually prosecute the shoplifting which in our opinion is a concentrated attack on capitalism and explains why these radical leftist District Attorneys don't take

shoplifting serious. The attack on our capitalist retail outlets by these mobsters and gangster seriously have damaged one time thriving American large cities. Many of these stores have closed down because of the criminal elements they have concentrated it's attack not only on these stores and

businesses, but on capitalism in general. A tough on crime approach needs to be reinitiated according to Metal Leo and many other people to reverse these trends into get these stores about selling stuff as things used to be.

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