Arrogant Juntine Timberlee confronted by paparazzi and snares at the paparazzi refusing to say hello or answer their questions

 Leroy Yates

      Poor Justin poor Justin Timberlane. The man just cannot handle celebrity and he Paparazzi that continues to kiss the ass of the celebrity class is utterly disgusting. Justin Timberlake was walking with a puffy Orange coat acting and retaining to be the arrogant noble Monarch that he wishes to be. Justin Timberlake regrets having to walk around society and the peons and when people

come and approach him he acts like a king and a nobleman unwilling to speak to the peasants who adore and flock to his steps. With this in mind Justin Timberlake is being roasted online as he was confronted by some Paparazzi who wanted to say hello and talk to him and the Arrogant jackass ignored and admonish the people for daring to talk to him and bothering him. This punk ass bitch Justin Timberlake is another brain-dead

celebrity asshole who thinks his own shit don't smell and that he's better than other people this is because of the egregious and corrupt money that is given to musical entertainers and so forth. 

     The complete arrogance of Justin Timberlake is indeed an elite king-like characterization of these people whose ego is larger than a camel's hump. Justin Timberlake told the media that this was not going to happen he was not going to talk and give comment as the paparazzi flocked around him and wanted him to look towards a camera into sign some autographs Justin Timberlame like many celebrities is an arrogant pompous asshole and why people continue to put these scumbags on a special pedestal worshiping them for being famous is utterly disgusting and a repulsive primarily Democrat Party objective and cause. Justin Timberlake is an asshole and a half is half a man who he use to be as Pearl Jam would jam about. This man's music unlike Eddie Vedder sucks ass and Timberlake is a weak man whose narcissism is so huge he can't even talk to the adoring

public who worships the silly jackass and perhaps one day more and more people will come to see this celebrity as a scum that they are. In addition to being scumbags these pop music and rap and sports celebrities are mostly total sleaze balls that they represent as a identifiable class Justin Timberlake is a dick head and an asshole all wrapped into one and this was clearly seen in this recent social media video of a confrontation on the street with a paparazzi and his fans where the deplorable celebrity tried to shame them for bugging him.

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