Bashid El-assad on the brink and he is man on the run as rebels surround Damascus on the verge of being captured

 Ali Muhammed

    Syrian Islamicist rebels have conquered Alleppo last week and now the Syrian rebels are on the outskirts of Damascus. Make no mistake Bashir El Assad is on the brink and the end of this fascist Islamo-Nazin neo-classical nepotistic fascist is finally coming to an end. The Syrian uprising followed the fall of many other Mid-east dictators including Muhammar  Khaddaffi during the Arab spiring and the end of the Bashir Assad generational terror against the people of Syria is coming to a quick and brutal demise. There are reports that fearing his death of the former Libyan dictator tis bastard Bashir El-Assad has fled Syria and the Islamicists ar eon the verge of a break through into Damascus and this war

is coming to an end and there is nothing foreign troops including American, Turkish, French and Russian can do from preventing the Syrian ISIS from capturing this country. ISIS has captured the city of Homs  last week and the fast and sudden gains of the Islamicist rebels has shocked and scared the world. The Syrian army has apparently cut and run from the city of Homs denying Assad access to the sea, 

   The rebels have also captured Daarra and the number of cities and places the Syrian rebels are capturing is an indication that this was and the uptick of it in recent weeks is finally coming to an end. Bashir Assad if he knows any better must flee the country otherwise his head will be on a platter and this man has indeed through the years been every bit of a bloodthirsty butcher much like his old man and this

explains why this country lead by the Islamicists first rose up in 2011 and how the finality of the war and revolution was stalled by the presence of Russian and Turkish foreign forces bent on keeping a bloodthirsty evil dictator and evil Arab in Bashair El- assad in power. make no mistake Bashair

Assad is a bastard and he is every bit as evil and wicked of a mad power hunger desperate mass killer to hold onto power as was Saddam Hussein. Bashir Assad is falafel and toast and no amount of money and troops coming from Recep Tayipp Erdogan and Turkey will deny this fact as Assad has long been a two-face puppet for both the Russian empire of Vladamir Putis and the modern day romeo dick sucked modern day Caliphate of Recep Erdopgan Tayipp who oves as a symbol of his power and puppetry to have his one inch penis sucked to the max by his various economic puppets.

    Bashir El-Assad is on the brink and he is now man on the run a man who has lost his country and the evil grip of power that El Assad has held on for so long is coming to an end and will be kaput. what the future holds next for this large country in the Middle East. There has to be much disconcertion in Israel as they long relied on Bashir El-Assad from controlling and preventing the extremists from wagering war with the Jewish country that borders and indeed there is much concern in Israel of a post Assad Syria that will not be controlled by the Assad family anymore and Islamicists will have greater power .One has to remember that of all the original six ...six Arab countries that fought and rebled at the idea of a state of Israel was Syria and the recent calm between the storms of eternal enmity between Israel and Syria was the direct result an global acceptance of a dictator family running this country and keeping the hard liners in Syria in check.

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