Troy York
Emma Vingland is a thin-lipped loudmouth arrogant left-wing communist who is the girlfriend of Majority Report host Sam Sedar. Vigeland is very upset that she has to share her man with another leftist lunatic in Nomika Konst and the ability of Sam Sedar to nail and have two hot looking girlfriends cannot be understated thanks to her potential husband Sam Sedar. Emma Finland went on to Piers Morgan show with a panel to discuss transvestites and these twisted individuals who wanted to pretend to be a woman so they can hang around
women's bathrooms and smell female shit all day as Andrew Dice Clay would say. Emma Vigland constantly interrupted the host Piers Morgan as the drug addicted and highly neurotic woman perhaps thought it was her own show and not pair some working poor Emma Vinland such an attractive young woman who has to have a crazy old cruel sick mind of a 70 year old. Emma Vigeland wants transsexual men to have special rights and be able to walk into girls school locker rooms and play whatever sports and the resistance to this by
conservatives and independent thinkers like Piers Morgan drives this bimbat co-host of the Majority Report fucking bananas. elephant brain Emma Vigeland look clearly psychotic as she kept talking and interrupting the host rudely and the childlike weird behavior of Amazon woman Emma Vigelandl was pressed back against
by the Lord British host Piers Morgan. Emma Lynn quite literally is a liberal lunatic who needs to be institutionalized at the Belleville mental hospital in New York state. She needs to be put in a padded room with no sharp objects and she needs a strait jacket over her arms perhaps for a month as this woman's insanity and lunacy cannot be denied.
Sam Sedar himself is growing increasingly concerned of the mental instability of one of his hot two girlfriends and already Son of Sam is looking for a potential replacement and make no mistake Sam Sedar was embarrassed by Emma's appearance as a representative of his hard-earned network of left-wing propaganda
called the Majority Report. Emma Vineland was all so jealous of a conservative woman with beautiful pouty lips named Debra Lea who also was on this panel and the two went back and forth please Morgan who thrives and who show has essentially become a modern-day mixture of Morton Downey Jr and Jerry Springer.
Piers Morgan is becoming the king of YouTube as he pointed out to Emma Viking that his show is a fastest growing YouTube political channel of all time. Piers Morgan is indeed an interesting program who might be the main headline when Elon Musk purchases MSNBC and transcending into XBC. I can't think of a greater lineup of Elon musk's future potential new network with Joe Roman, Tucker Carlson, and Pierson
Morgan all turn all on during prime time and perhaps even have late night 2:00 a.m. time slot reserved for scumbag Howard Stern. as for Emma Vigeland what can be said about this scuzzy woman of Sam Cedar skinky woman of Sam Sedar she would fit right in with the brothels of Vladimir Putin Soviet Army of 100 years ago to this day. Clearly this woman is as crazy as a psychopath as both Vladimir Putin and Joseph Stalin except she has a cat between her legs.
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