College football regresses to Total anarchy and depravity

       Barry Moon

  The despicable on the field violence we saw through various college games shocked and appalled many people. A full brawl and sued a full out bra ensued in the North Carolina North Carolina State football game and the continued regression of these blackheads and scumbags who fill up college football uniforms and where these costumes and chase balls is out of bounds. College football has regressed because these players are such brainwashed self-identified narcissist who

take issues with any little thing and perhaps the worst sportsmanship ever is seen in football American football and especially college football. The University of Michigan planted their flag on the big old and Ohio State University after yet another win

against the Rival and what we saw was these crazy little babies ready to fight and Rumble like it was Jets and the Sharks. Many Ohio State players attempted to stop and a near brawl was also seen in this big ten game and the crazy actions of these college football ballers is seen daily on a Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. College football is regress the point where it is almost modern war and indeed the image of Michigan

planting the flag on their field are so upsetting to these triggered OSU players who have long been privileged as athletes and players since their early days in high school and pre High School. These two near brawls were just the latest example of the total regression of college football a sport that I have never followed and found very weird, even though I love the professional football type these college collegiate so are totally anything from professional and they are more neurotic and eccentric to the bone no doubt about it every year.  It could come to

the point where college football games will resemble MMA fights more than NFL games something needs to be done as unfortunately college football has way too much cultural influence on it especially the youth and it is mostly the youth that follow the sport. 

     Any guy over 25 following college football sports is either gay or likely a pedestal and this is about the age that I quit even following any college sport wouldn't be basketball or football I don't need to see

younger people under me and watching sports and rooting for usually is an activity that younger people do in root for older people it should not go the other way around college football is regress the point where it is absolutely embarrassing and complete garbage and whether the director of the NCAA does anything and helps combat this growing disease within this sport remains to be seen and is highly in doubt

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