Democrat Party might as might have found their 2028 nominee as Rosa De Laura stands up and becomes the opposition to Elon Musk

       Casey Kelso

     The Democrat party man might have found her leading contender in candidates for 2028 in Connecticut Congress monster and geriatric Rosa de Laura. Many people are trying to convince Mr De Laura to run for president after her embolden and vicious attack against the Elon Musk president presidency and indeed this woman has a political experience it might be even more qualified than Hillary Clinton should he

decide to run. Many Democrats are starting to form a political action committee to look into the possibility that Rosa de Lara might be the individual who can take the White House back for the Democrats as this Purple heart purple hair freak has come out of nowhere to be a huge political force and now the leading opposition to the Elon Musk presidency in the four years  coming. Early polls indicate that there is much support for Rosa de Laura and indeed the progressive

media is already triumphing this woman and her  anti-elon musk speech that she did in Congress bringing this one time obscure congress member from Connecticut into the limelight. 

     Make no mistake Laura DeRose a represents all the Democratic party and this purple-haired monster are indeed likely going to be a strong contender in 2028 should she decide to run and if she can find the funding. Rosa de Laura by the looks of her old face looks like a lizard person and

she has had many years in Congress fighting for women's rights and their rights of the cult of abortion to brutally murder babies in a woman's womb. I can't honestly think of a better and more representative politician for the Democratic Party then Rosa Delora and indeed the Democrat Party should just go full nutso and run this maniac. There is still questions whether the Democratic party would even bother having any more elections given their disdain for the electoral system and they really enjoy how 2024 went to when they did not bother having a free and fair honest Democrat primary. Many top Democrat insiders and politicians are indeed thinking that the better routes in the future would just be too anoint and appoint

presidential candidates and skip the primary process. Now if this is the case Rosa Delora with as a senior member likely of Congress should be a top contender and indeed this woman likely you might not even have to worry about a primary and being the 2028 candidates and if she gets enough following and credit she just might get the primary denomination handed to her much like Mama Kamala.

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