Failed Canadian leader Justin Trudeau confronted on the streets told to resign

      Adam Zinger

     One of the worst global leaders and laughing stocks has to be Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The fairy Godfather of Soul and bad politics Mr Trudeau has hated throughout his country and how this man has retained power has been a mystery. Justin Trudeau has been humiliated so many times by world leaders and the latest was Donald Trump making him come to and bend the knee at Mari a Lago as Mr Trump's threats of tariffs to both Canada and Mexico have the leaders of both countries shaking and tremoring. Justin Trudeau was

confronted on the streets of Canada  as someone followed Trolled to his limousine and told him he was a disgrace and awful leader. This unnamed reporter or social media troll probably spike for most Canadians fed up with the control of this country as a personal fiefdom for Justin. The beat street reporter told Trudeau that he sucks and that he is a bad leader that no one likes him in Canada. 

     Justin Trudeau went some back and forth with this troll who told him that he should resign and he's a complete failure and people are residing in his government. Justin told the guy to go to hell or go to fucking Yukon and the snarky response from this son of a bitch and son of a dog was repulsive and something one would expect from a privileged prick son of Fidel Castro and top official of the

Interntional drug cartels and socialism. Canada is in a complete collapse and there are rumors that Justin Trudeau is about to call it quits as the silly globalist corrupt leftist authoritarian Canadian president has been a total disgrace bringing Canada to the

brink of fascism. Justin Trudeau is one of the biggest jokes in global politics and this man is only a leader because of his father and his family. Mr Time is running out for Mr Trudeau and his domination of Canada is quickly coming to an end as the country is fed up with his style of politics and disgraceful and humiliating rule in the past two terms. 

      Justin Trudeau needs to resign and use the wealth that he is stolen from Canadian taxpayers into purchasing a hockey team or trying to get another new franchise in the National Hockey League as this guy has absolutely no business in politics and will be better off serving something else for his

need of attention. The Canadian government is about to collapse in this I reckon is because Justin Trudeau has been a stupid narcissism on a Power Trip the Canadian government is about to collapse and I reckon this is because Justin Trudeau has been a horrendous nightmare president almost as bad as Slow Joe Biden was the past three and a half years for America. Canada and United States deserve better and whether Canada goes in a more patriotic and conservative future remains to be seen in this majorly endowed because of mass migration.

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