Habitiual liar and scumbag Barack Hussein Obama goes unhinged as Youtuber Depressed Ginger rips his Kenyan Indonesian ass

Jason Fool

     Former is Islamist failed president of the United States Barack Hussein Obama came out with another despicable and deplorable speech. the Foolish failed former president once again spoke and has been mocked with his speaking style and disgraceful speech as he made reference and accused Trump and the Republicans of attempting to be one party state and rigging the system for them to win elections. As usual the Democrats are accused of doing what they accuse the Republicans and for Barack Obama Husseign to come out and give this delusional speech about the state of politics and the potential the Republican setting up a one-party state. Obama's message was ludicrous when you have all these cities Across America that have been Democrat for decades and his lies and ignorance is utterly laughable.

Barack Dumb Obama continues to put his silver foot in his mouth and the more this man speaks the more it is incomprehensible that this guy was President for 8 years. Barack Obama is a fool and would know what the elections are, and some have

suggested that his two victories were indeed extremely rigged and only this explains why this race hustler unfit and unqualified academic/politician/ hustler from the South side of the University of Chicago who was a professor of race studies became a US senator and eventually an incompetent president. 

      This failed former president has become a disgrace in a talking meme in 2024 and the more this disgusting failed former president speaks the more content people are able to make and point out the lunacy of this Looney bird. Barack Obama look like he was on drugs as he spoke and had trouble spewing out the words and propaganda that this fool become accustomed to in attacking Mr Trump and the Republican Party. Barack Obama clearly is suffering from an early

onslaught of dementia as he is clearly not like the speaker he was 10 to 15 years ago. Mr Obama is a fool and needs to disappear and go back to his retirement and not worry about politics as he is becoming a walking talking meme mocked ruthlessly on-line for his stupidity and confused speeches. In the latest this dipstick basically accuses the

Republicans of what the Democrat Party has accomplished and been doing for years in their slide towards authoritarian one party State attempted rule. Perhaps Barack Obama was talking about the Democrat party in this latest deranged speak and if so he should of been more clear. The latest debacle and speech by foolish Barack Hussein Obama is being once again 

      This silly and stupid skinny Indonesian asshole should be investigated for his grift and corruption and the violations that he has committed while in presidency and after as a political grifter and corrupt individual of extreme measures. Barack Obama has done everything in his ability to bring about a precipitous decline in increased weakness of the United States and he did so in eight horrible foolish years as a failed president. This man is a massively corrupt individual who should be investigated and indeed the walls of justice may be slowly closing in on Hussein Obama who feels the heat and thus explains his desperation and lies against Donald Trump in proclamation that Republicans are planning on rigging future elections.  Obama should be arrested in 2025 and he should be arrested pronto

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