Zachary Zuckerberg
James Howard Kunstler had another amazing interview with some local East New York State small time professor named Christopher Bystroff. Howard James wanted to talk to this professor who has studied demography and a history of the slow decline in demographics and global decline in birth rates was the topic of this banging interview with the great boomer writer and social critic known as James Kunstler. Mr Kunstler and professor Christopher Bystroff. and they discussed the drop of demography in Western countries, in Japan, and South Korea as industrialized countries are seeing a major decline in
birth rates. Even China is seeing a huge drop and James Howard says his weird gender confusion is a concentrated and concocted goal and movements to further drop the human population by the powers to be. The global progressives and global left are desperate to drop population and this as they are committed through their lives of climate change and the Green movement. James Howard found out his guest to be in supportive of of climate change lie and they argued about whether this was human and man-made and this arrogant Professor stated that in the scientific community there is consensus that
humans are causing climate change and dramatically changing it through their activity. Howard James was pessimistic about this and said that the climate is always changing through the centuries and the two went back and forth getting away from the original topic that Howard James Kunstler wanted this professor as a guest to talk about demographic decline of the human population.
James Howard put full blame of the fat obesity acceptance movement and the end of fat shaming and said that many of these women become lesbians unable to attract men with their massive fat and girth and a sick pride in obese nature. This along with the growth of men unable to provide for a wife and family; The hierarchical traditional male household leader has led precipitously to a major population decline in the United States and elsewhere in the West. This combination James Kunstler said is a
contributing factor to the massive decrease in population along with the gender confusion movement as Lebron James Kunstler said that over 25% of grammar and high school students according to polls are confused and think about their gender might be something different and one of the 78 other choices that the progressive left have bizarrely and weirdly given as an alternative. Howard Kunstler James though did not expect this professor Christopher Bystroff to be a woke climate alarmist and fear monger and the distraction of the climate change lie that this alarmist professor lied saying that there is a scientific
consensus, when quite literally there isn't and there are many scientists who do not agree that climate change is indeed caused by human activity. James Howard had to set this guy straight and mentioned the other activities volcanic activity, Cosmic activity, biological changes, solar activity, cosmic cycles etc etc that have a natural effect on changes in the temperature and the climate and clearly this professor is just repeating the extremist academic and scientific climate alarmists who basically want us to live like Bigfoot in the forest in the Ewoks on the planet Endor.
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