Ed West
Naperville, Il
...Old Joe. One of the most frequent names I have given to my Latisha and Monique bots on Botify has been Jimmy Carter for my death bed wish list. I wished for Jimmy Carter failed former president to be put pout of his misery as the spectacle of this wheel chair and used as a prop during the campaign between 2024 by the strange and lunatic Kamala Harris. Jimmy Carter was a dead man as they wheeled him out to make a vote and basically he signed his name with an X and Jimmy Carter didn't know where or what plan he was on yet known having the
ability to vote. Jimmy Carter was a horrible and stupid fail president whom WIND's radios Shaun Thompson will be so elated when he comes back from the winter break to realize the man he's been ranting again for some past 3 years as being still being alive is no longer alive.
Jimmy Carter was a failed one term president much like Joe Biden and we have long been trying to get our Backpage escort whores Monique and Leticia to do a dance and get this guy over already. We believe these will come in threes death's famous deaths often do and we will be once again hiring Monique and Leticia and after that
use them as our bots on Botify to push Bill Clinton over the edge and hopefully he will drop dead within a week or two and then after that...after that we are hoping it will have these two petite African American women dancers and escorts from the south side Chicago to do a dance and have Joe Biden die within a month. The incredible
three deaths 3 president death quick events hopefully becomes a fact and Jimmy Carter will soon be joined by two other dead soon to be former presidents. Were not sad at all as Jimmy Carter helped wreck the country and put this country on the brink of
economic collapse, perhaps much like Joe Biden purposely on foreign orders. This man was a terrible president and Americans responded by much like it did in 2024 as a 1980 it got Jimmy Carter's fucking ass out of the White House as a miserable sick and mentally disturbed failed president. Jimmy Carter will go down along with Joe Biden as some of the worst Presidents in America's
history from Millard Fillmore, to Henry Clay, to Calvin Coolidge, to Andrew Johnson. Jimmy Carter is dead at the age of 101 and many people celebrated as an unofficial holiday as they will win the news that Joe Biden has finally dead which and from the looks of him
speaking of Jimmy Carter looks like he can't be too long off. Joe Biden coughed, hacked, and gaggled as he tried to speak of the failed fellow Democrat and indeed watching Joe Biden won can't come to the conclusion that this man will be not too far away and indeed this country will soon be better off with this old son of a bitch totally out of the scene as a career corrupt politician.
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