Jimmy Dore, Bald head, and James Corbett simp for dead Muhamarr Ghaddafi and warn of the greater Israel movement

    Milton Wiener

        Once again the dipshit one Jimmy Door is criticizing US foreign policy in the Middle East and defending the terrorist states and the crazed dictators who have been dethroned by Israel and the United States. With this in mind, Jimmy Dore had the bald heads of Kurt Metzger and the special guest of bald head the great conspiracy theirist James Corbett on his show to talk about and defend Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The long dead and raped Libyan leader was a

Madman who orally and anally raped a different young woman everyday for the last 10 years of his life and yet this craze and neurotic dictator is still defended by psychopaths on the far left whether they be James Corbett, Jimmy dore, bald head comedian Kurt Metzger or the dull dog  Gary Null. Jimmy Door played a video of Colonel Khaddafi

predicting the events of what a transpired with Syria being overthrown and once again the dipshit one dumb Chicago comedian along with a bald head comedian Kurt Metzger defended what is completely a psychotic regime that was Libya under Colonel Muumar Gaddafi. 

    Jimmy Door just wants Middle Easterners to live under tyrants like B ashir Ella-Assad or Colonel Muhaumar Gaddafi and by all essence this is what he expects of leadership to be in the Middle East. Special guest star James Corbett and a video of him was played as Corvette Corbett is another anti US military propaganda's who will defend and prop up any dictator that was an enemy of this country.

Jackass James Corbett is living in Japan and clearly if this jackass lived in Libya under Colonel Ommarr Khaddafi he likely would not have been defending this madman as he does often along with Saddam Hussein as well complaining of US foreign policy and Israel expansion for the past US lead Wars and

conflicts with these regimes. Jimmy Dore's and ignorant ass who doesn't know his own head from it and along with bald heads Kurt Metzger and James Corbett they utterly leveled their own brains trying to figure out why the US topple of Muammar Gaddafi and aided the rebels  and why there was

anything wrong with this. Would these three silly fucks complain of toppling Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler back in 1943-45??? Likewise the rebels in Syria finally overthrew Bashir El- Assad and for the dipshit one playing a old video of Muhamar Gaddafi predicting the eventual overthrow

of this country by Western powers please Mr Door to the point of near erection. Jimmy Dore almost got an erection as he played the old video thinking of Muammar Gaddafi and a better days that Libia was under w9thith this pedophilia murderous regime who terrorized the people of Libya. The Egyptian one Jimmy Dore and the ball bald James Corbett seem to have a problem and spread conspiracy theories of the greater Zionist movement which would expand the borders and land of israel. Jimmy Dore and James Corbett are at gasp that the Jews might

actually do the same thing that the Arabs did a thousand years ago . Karma is a bitch and what comes around goes around and this is exactly why we need the greater Zionist movement to take over the entire region whether little Jimmy likes it or not as a good agent for Islam. Jimmy Dore has once again gone and dipshit mold with his stupidity along with the stupid Kurt Metzger and the dipshit James Corbett and

together the three of them could do a remake of the Three Stooges and be very proud. Jimmy Dore is again as I stated a dipshit who wants Syrians and Libyans to live under tyrannical neopitistic dynasty terrorist dictatorial rule. Nothing may seem to please Jimmy Door, James Corbett, and dumb Kurt Metzger more than this. Make no mistake these three jackasses Jimmy Door,  James corbett, and Crazy Metzger would fit right in with the Nazi party of 100 years ago and quite literally they even have the names for it

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