Andrew Clayton
The great one Mark Levin was added again is he did several men to talk about the rotten Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Mr Levin was discontented with certain Republicans and conservative broadcasters who are quoting Bernie Sanders and Bernice's recent support of Elon Musk. Mark Levin reminded these fuckers that this idiot Bernie Sanders is a guy who had his honeymoon in Mother Russia and it Bernie Sanders is a habitual liar and a con man complaining about the millionaires when he has become one himself. Mark Levin says that Bernie Sanders as well is over 7 million dollars and this maniac continues to act like he's a common folk as he attacks billionaires and their ability to draw wealth and improve the living standard of this country. Make no mistake, Mark Levin said Bernie Sanders is a rat bastard communist, and he always will be a communist, and always has been.
The idea that conservative broadcasters are quoting Bernie Sanders and trying to put a positive spin on economic issues and ties with Elon Musk does not please Mark Levin. Levin can sniff and snow out Communists and he knows that the geriatric three-decade bastard from Vermont is a communist and he never will transition into a normal politician. Likewise Mark Levin also attacked in the same episode and night the rat bastard from Maryland known as Jamie Raskin. Jimmy Raskin is a weird far-left
radical within our congressional system a man who lies out of his ass and who comes from a family of extreme communists. Mark Levin reminded these conservatives that Bernie Sanders is not a Norwegian communist he is a mother fucking Russian and this guy loves old school Russia he would fit right in 100 years ago in the armies of Vladimir London and indeed he might have served in the army of Vladimir Lending is Bernie Sanders is this fucking old.
Likewise, the stupid Maryland senator often comes on mainstream media and lies about Trump and Mark Levin tore into the ass of Jamie Raskin whose father was an open and about communist and Mark Levin says this jackass Jimmy Raskin is one too. Levin torched this stupid congressman from Maryland as he comes on the Democrat Party media of MSNBC and CNN and spreads vile and despicable misinformation that doesn't get called out by the softball so-called news journalist. The great one was added and his willingness to speak the truth and call out these socialists within our political system working to bring communism to America is admirable and it's always great to hear the great one bash two of our most wicked left-wing Democrat fascist politicians right now.
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