Mulligan Sullivan
Somehow Serpentza is still blogging in China or perhaps he played a old episode of his show as the Serpentza one has started a food review aspect to his award-winning China critique program. Serpentza decided to wine and dine to give his viewers a taste of what some of the Chinese consider cuisine. Serpentza had a meal straight out of hell and that could only be found in China as the award-winning host decided to try some murky food as he wants to go into this weird foodie direction. Serpentza ate a sewer rat that was on the menu of this weird country and Serpentza wondered whether these rats are bred on a farm or if this Chinese
restaurant just took and fed him these rats from the closest sewer in the alley behind the restaurant. Serpentza said the fried rat was tough and among the most repulsive meat he has ever chewed and he could not believe that Chinese restaurants actually serve this dish with the rats
Serpentza also had locust which is a insect and species he detests and he wonders why this would be a common staple of many a menu for Chinese restaurants and Serpentza says he was really nervous eating these bugs. Serpentza says the Chinese are leading the global drive to eat bugs and Seprentza is not
having any of this weird global hope. Serpentza had one gulp and spoonful of locusts and he spit it out saying the crunchiness of it tasted gross and he could identify the legs from the antennas and he thinks any global drive to eats bugs is a troll of the uber rich who will still eat steak not being affected by the price and desire for the poor not to have the enjoinment of life including food. Serpentza says eating locust is like eating a little alien and he almost burst out laughing trying several attempts to put these
silly food menu items and fucking bug into his mouth and to eat and swallow it. Serpentza finally followed up with other dishes of delicatessen in China including bull eyes, and Michael Rapport's favorite which is pig dick. Serpentza had some incredible pig dick and he challenged the weird failed New York Zionist comedian and social media narcissist Sir Michael Rapaport to come in China and eat pig dick since he talks about it so much.
Serpentza also did a video where he takes to the task of the cat murders and increasingly cat torture deaths that are occurring in China. The number of cats that have been tortured and animal abuse in China Serpentza says is utterly disgusting and a growing phenomena through social media. Serpentza says videos of animal torture are not quickly taken down as would be anything said on the government. The intense animal abuse and torture videos are seemingly ignored in China as there are no animal abuse laws by this authoritarian CCP government in China.
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