Sick Joe Biden commutes the death penalty of 37 federal inmates including psychotics like Jorge Torres who was a serial killer killing two young little girls and another woman

     Woody Underwood

        The mental illness that has 30 days left in the White House is the demented and disgusting horrible criminal career politician and maniac known as slow Joe Biden. This disgusting failed soon to be former president continues to horrify the country day after day with his pardons and commutations for career criminals and the evil. One of the reasons Joe Biden has such sympathy for criminals and evil killers pardoning 37 is because Joe Biden himself is an evil and sick psychotic individual who relishes in the idea of letting killers get off Scot free being a

disgusting demented president, who thankfully only has 30 days left before his one term as a failed president ends. Bozo Biden keeps pardoning dangerous criminals and laying them out and free in the streets and in addition this man just commuted the sentence of 37 federal death row inmates many of whom were brutal and hard and killers. This psychotic Ambassador for evil Joe Biden appears to support and wants to keep alive on taxpayer money and keep open the possibility these murderous fucks escape and cause more harm to people. One of these psychotics was an individual from Zion, Illinois in a famous case of 2008 were two little girls were brutally attacked and raped by this maniac who eventually joined the Navy and killed a 18-year-old petty officer named Amanda Snell.  

      The idea that this psychotic Joe Biden would prevent the execution of this monster Jorge Torres while the three men who he left on death row were white men accused of harming and attacking minorities. The disproportion of Joe Biden's decisions to let minorities off who killed white people clearly shows this man's anti-white hatred and bias and this likely led to why he

commuted the sentence of former Navy Seaman Jorge Torres who is a serial killer by definition.  If Jorge Torrez rape murderer  was a white man who killed three black women clearly this jackass Joe Biden, who was among the most demented and worse individuals ever to hold the White House presidency, would not have commuted this man sentence. Joe Biden is a sick fucker who he himself might be a serial killer as there are numerous women and unsolved cold

cases from Scranton, Pennsylvania that this scumbag Joe Biden might be responsible. The sickness of this failed soon to be former presidential Biden in pardoning and coming to the rescue of harden child killers and working hard to prevent their execution clearly shows the evilness of Joe Biden and how he and his fucking wife Jill and the entire Biden family are one evil cabal of pure putrid pot pie. 

    One can only hope that when Joe Biden is out of office and this nasty 93 year old demented old man is the longer in charge of justice system Donald Trump will bring charges he will reverse these commutations of the federal death penalty and re-initiate them for maniacs like this brutal female killer Torres and Donald Trump will arrest and perhaps put Joe's skeleton frail body on trial for treason to this country. Slow Joe Biden is the epitome of evil and this man's four-year one term has been a complete disaster purposely meant to weaken and hurt this country and all possible means and his pardoning shot to this country was a commutation of these 37 brutal Killers who to get on the federal death penalty. One really has to be committed heinous and the most brutal crimes imaginable to get a federal death penalty and by far the guilt of these foos has really been established. 

   Joe Biden is a evil mother fucker whose day is coming and this guy is very close to death and one can only be convinced that the evilness of Joe Biden is that he will be at the gates of hell very soon. Biden is  just a dirty and nasty scum criminal politician from Delaware and puppet for China is

going to lose power and likely given his dementia he doesn't know the consequences of this loss. Joe Biden you are going to be out of power and you will never be able to have the possibility of what you have allowed partying and common and communicating these criminal charges trying to get as many dangerous people into this country into to the streets to cause harm. Fuck Joe Biden this guy can't die and go to hell quick enough

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