The beautiful Emily Stewart writing about the fall of retail of Business Insider as Big Lots closes all its stores

              Brook Tanner

      Just to say that Emily Stewart is hot would be an understatement. The incredible Business Insider writer has been writing for Business Insider for some time and clearly if she is married, then she is a trophy wife. This incredible writer has talked about the coming retail collapse and indeed I was dismayed and angry at the recent news that now Big Lots will be fully closing and not just some of its stores. The further monopolization and casinofication of this economy and the demise of retail is a discerning and possible conspiratorial plot that this woman never talks about. In addition, all the shit businesses are expanding whether they be smoke shops or gambling slot parlors along with the

unhealthy Dunkin Donuts --which is a repulsive and bad warehouse bakery business. Smaller places where you can actually get bathroom and soap studs dishwashing steps are disappearing and  forced to go to the big box stores whether they be Target or Walmart. This disgusting aspect I wish Emily Stewart would of written   about as there's nothing I hate more than big box stores and the only closeness I ever want to be with these

colossal and boring ass stores is watching fart prankers on YouTube and Tik Yok. Big Lots was perfectly sized goldilocks store not too big store where you can go in and get your stuff quicker and if you want to linger you can move a little bit. However, these types of stores are disappearing and you're forced to go into huge stores and see lots of fuck faces and ugly people and fatties and this is obviously pissing me off and it might number one and anxiety of the fall of these stores.

     I seem to be the kiss of death of these stores is every time I find a store like hanging around and look actually look forward whether it be Bed Bath & Beyond and now Big Lots seem to disappear. There's nothing more a modern depressant in my mind then the retail and collapse and being forced to go to a Walmart or a save mart or a store you don't prefer to go. All the small the mid-size stores seem to be going and indeed the stupid stores that actually have an encourage sloths to ride handicap cars to move about because they're so big are the only ones that seem to be staying around would it be big lumber stores or ugly Walmarts and Cotsco and targets. The demise of Big Lots hits hard and this is utterly reprehensible as the only time I go to these stores are just for the essential bathroom supplies there are usually way overpriced in the Walgreens or CVS Emily Stiller needs to continue the great work for Business Insider and talk about the

economic forces that are causing the demise of midsize and small stores over these colossal disgusting Costco type monostracies that you have to spend much time and find hard parking to look for the bigger box store is utterly reprehensible and I look forward to the day sooner or later it stays coming is Walmart and targets will also be closing sometime and where people will go remains a question likely Jeff Bezos will continue to benefit from

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