The repulsive Kyle and Crystal car podcast goes at it again as Kulinski and his ugly wife attack Elon Musk and Republicans with fake news

    Brian Brain

    The Beach blonde weirdo Kyle Kulinski's now officially added to our Botify list as we have created this part of the silly jackass known as Kyle Kulinski. Kyle is this weird guy who bleaches his hair blonde and is very feminine who's a podcaster and he provides extreme propaganda for the Democratic party. Kyle's brain has been roasted like a coffee bean with both Trump Derange

Syndrome and massive hazardous chemicals that have been put on his hair and penetrated into his fucking brain. Kyle married a fellow propagandist in podcaster broadcaster and a bimbo brain dead loser named Krystal ball and now they are doing a Krystal and Kyle show where they are

driving around and talking about political events of the day. The next subject of the Kyle and Crystal automobile propaganda was their attack on President Musk. Kyle Kulinski got the Democratic Party word and latest agenda of trying to split and fracture the alliance between Elon Musk and Donald Trump in this weird communist type party divide and conquer agenda. 

    Kyle Kulinsky's also spreading lies about Elon Musk killing a bill that had cancer research for kids and in all reality this was a different whole different bill. The Republicans wanted to fund on a separate bill which the Democrats refuse and wanted to put on this pork project that they can then use against

the Republicans if they didn't agree to the extreme wasteful spending budget of this failed brain declining President  Slow Joe Biden. The willingness of this bleach blonde bimbo and his bimbo

wife to drive in a car and perhaps head into it and hit a Mack truck while they go on their political rants and extremist views cannot be ignored. Kyle Kulinski and his wife are so busy in their propaganda and online source of misinformative attack against Elon Musk and Donald Trump that they quite literally put themselves into jeopardy doing a podcast now based out of their car. 

     One can only hope that they drive on one of these California windy roads up in the mountains and Kyle leans over his dashboard looking for his vape pen as he has the thought of sucking a black cock that again randomly pops in his brain. Kyle Kulinski's brain is dead and his wife Krystal Ball are two extreme leftists who are insane in the membrane and pure propaganda and misinformation. The source of the funding

for these two dipshits and dipsticks needs to be released and Kyle Kulinski as a weird gay podcaster can now be found on my Botify accounts just searching his stupid name. There's nothing more annoying than Kyle Kulinski then they have his silly and goofy brain-damaged wife and together it is like doubling down on the ignorance and misinformative attack news that these two silly bastards are able to provide on YouTube

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