Ali Muhammed
Hassan Piker is a Turkish funded left-wing propagandist as a spoiled self-centered narcissist promote socialism and the Palestinian cause. This Twitch streamer has a personality of a mailbox and the fake numbers that are allocated and given a subscribers and followers of this punk is utterly laughable and totally fake. Recently Hasan Scumbag lost it to his own fake chat box as many of these streamers have pretend commenters Chatting wildest live streamers performing and they pretend to talk to these people. Mr Piker broke down and was angered as he was accused of
exploiting the homeless in a recent video by his supposed own followers and indeed this exploitation of the homeless was mocked by Actual Justice Warrior YouTuber Sean Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald ripped into the lame and Dickless 2 in dick ass of Hassan Piker calling him out as the stupid leftist host and streamer that he is as beloved Son grandson of Recep Tayipp Erdogan and nephew Cenk Uygur, and great grandson of Ali Babi Won Anabee. Sean blasted Hassan Piker for
saying that violence against homeless is an all-time high while he discounts the extreme and ever increasing violent crime caused by homeless people. Sean pointed out that this pinhead didn't is most of the violence committed against the homeless is
committed by other homeless and Actual Justice also pointed out the hypocrisy of Hassan Parker pretending to be the socialist and caring for the homeless when he has a $3 million dollar home and a very expensive $300,000 car. Hassan Piker is a multi-millionaire in addition to the money he gets from Big Tech he likely gets huge amounts of money from the Turkish government to spread their weird form of Islamism
Sean Fitzgerald blasted Hasan Piker saying the criticism and exploitation of the homeless for his videos and Twitch and Hasan Piker pretending to give a flying fuck for the homeless and their victimhood smelled of the fakiness that often is attributed to Cenk's nephew who has little actual popularity and adds nothing in
discussion of knowledgeable thought and talk as he plays video games and perhaps Hasan should stick to speaking gaming languages. Hasan Piker is a pysop of a foreign nation and the attempt to use this dweeb to try to spread negativity and dissent cannot be understated or ignored and this silly scumbag is clearly a asset and tool for international socialism much like his cult leader Bernie Sanders.
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