After heavy criticism from this blog Ali Buckets forced to start spraying on more Hillbillies Rednecks and white dudes

    Jerry O'Leary

     Ali Buckets is this Tik Tok internet sensation who primarily goes to Gym's and sprays people with a water gun. This is the basis of the man's entire Channel where 90% of his videos consist of him  spraying  either in ghetto convenience stores or gyms the vast majority of the people who Ali Bucket sprays are black and Latino. Very few people have noticed until recently having make comments on his Tick Tock Channel we were once to do a Blog about him about a week

and a half ago and now we've noticed that he is finally started doing more sprays on white people in New York or whatever area he lives. Ali Bucket sprayed a white hillbilly from hell several times and the redneck did not notice right away having kept looking at the ceiling as water was being sprayed while he was working out. Ali Buckets must have sprayed in five times before the hillbilly

decided he knew where the water was coming from and eventually confronted Ali Buckets and chased them down the hallway. 


 Ali Buckets is one of the fastest growing you Tick Tock channels I've ever seen and his ability to edit the music to him spraying people with a urine filled water gun is an amazing talent probably on loan from God as Rush Limbaugh would say.  Ali Buckets continues to spray people and now he's

under more pressure to do more diversity in the victims of his holy urine sprays and pranks as looking through his past videos almost all his victims were black men. We have suggested that possibly Ali has a fetish for black men in the gun is a substitute for what he really liked to be doing and shooting in the privacy of his bedroom with these men and we commented several times on his videos to see if this was indeed true.

Naturally no answer was given by Mr Bucket and he continues to release video after video daily of himself spraying his urine filled water gun to various men in gyms or outside street settings as he pretends to eat a bag of chips in his weird fetish that he has turned into a huge and profitable channel on Tik Yik

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