Arrogant and pompous ugly old Italian Gerald Celente attacks Donald Trump and calls him King of the World

      Andy Cruz

      General Clementi is his old Italian who runs a shitty magazine called the Trendsetter which is pure Gaza propaganda. The amount of money that Gerald Celente must get from these Palestinian activists knows no bounce and will never be disclosed is this silly old son of bitch mafia wanabee to be continues to be Anti-Semitic bastard on the YouTube Gerald Celente went off and put Donald Trump on his cover because Mr Trump said that Israel should push all the Palestinians to Jordan or Egypt. This made the extremist and radical podcast propagandist Mr Celenbte angry as he went out a profane rant against Donald Trump

,his supporters and the state of Israel Gerald Valenti is a sick fucker and a sick puppy who supports terrorists and just cruel mother fucker loves to see terrorist acts done by the Muslim population in the Middle East. Joe's psychotic rant against Donald Trump which is the latest in a long line of his massive anger at Mr Trump's son-in-law and the state of Israel for fighting back against a terrorist entity and Gaza. 

    Donald Trump had come out and supported Israel in ethnically cleansing out the Palestinians along their borders and this profuse such disdain and hatred from this grifter who likely is getting money from Qatar or Dubai. Joe Celente wondered if Donald Trump is the president of the United States or King of the world and his anger and support for the Palestinian cause has lost him many followers and subscribers to his shitty Trendsetter magazine where this old jackass pretty happy pretends he's some great predictor and wizard. Gerald Clinton is not a wizard he is not a professor he is a

dumb dumbass from hell who hjas no integrity or credibility and all he does is cry about the Palestinian cause, most likely is because the vast majority of the subscribers to his stupid magazine likely he's coming from Qatar and Dubai and they are telling him what to present and write about. This old fucker Gerald Celente is one of the more repulsive and disgusting individuals on YouTube and the amount of antisemitism this pig gets away with his utterly amazing

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