Bleach blonde weirdo Kyle Kulinski and introducing Jack Cocchiarella can't stop simping for Bernie Sanders think and follow his cult and predict he runs against Trump in 2028

        Zobo The clown

     Kyle Kulinski is a bleach blonde weird far-left communist lunatic who's allowed on YouTube while many other patriots are not such as Vincent James , WIND Radios Thompson, Greg Hunter USA Watchdog, and King Jones form Inforwars forced onto Rumble. The bleach blonde propaganda and stupid far left propagandist cannot stop simping for Bernie Sanders and the amount of love and sexual fantasies that Kyle Kulinski he has for the geriatric 87-year-old disgusting career politician and corrupt bastard Bernie Sanders knows no a inflated ball.  With this in mind, Kyle Kulinski ( who bleaches his hair bright yellow)  and his acolytes including a new 500,000 subscriber YouTuber named

Jack Cocchiarella were two of many leftists who got the talking points and Bernie Bros who brought up how Bernie Sanders was trolling" President " Musk and Donald Trump saying that he is willing to work with them  and he is excited by their plans of cunning cutting the budget including the Pentagon and the military and bringing both cost saving measures. 

     Naturally, Bernie Sanders as a puppet for foreign forces and International sources they want to weaken this country in our military presence overseas would bring this up as one of the first hopes that the new Doge team of Elon Musk and Vivik Rammaswamy should cut and with this the snarky bleach blonde weirdo who would clearly suck Bernie Sanders penis in a heartbeat, cannot help and stop balling for the 84 year old muppet balcony US senator from the small insignificant state of

Vermont. Likewise, a jackass with a 500,000 followers named Jack Cocchiarella came on with pretty much the same assertion as he said that Bernie Sanders destroyed Donald Trump in recent comments. Jack says that the 2028 elections going to come down as he thinks that the narcissist and Donald Trump will seek a third term and standing in his way, will be this hugely popular old man

from Vermont old senator that does not have 1 million people and who he has never had a political opponent to challenge him in the past decade or so. Jack Cocchiarella and Kyle Kulinski are insistent that Bernie Sanders is going to make up one last presidential run and the long awaited Donald Trump --Bernie Sanders presidential contest will take place in 2028. 

     The possible idea of Bernie Sanders running for president gets the small dicks of the soy boy Kulinski and very excited quite literally these two people along with other leftists who love Bernie Sanders are part of the Bernie cult and they are so inundated with the immaculate personality, the handsome looks, and the strong leadership of this Vermont communist they actually think and repeat the lame tired lines that Bernie Sanders has knowledge and intelligence in his nearly 90 year old brain and he is deserving of the presidency. 

Bernie is a bastard funded by foreign sources always have and  he just repeats  the same bad policies and lines over and over again like a Califirnia weatherman. Bernie Sanders is a immortal clad who has no true national following and only extremists and true socialist Communists follow this jackass and consider this Muppet balcony demented old man a serious and actual presidential consideration.

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