Center Bear Tank beats Max Fosh and Professional eater Neail Wehry in hot dog eating contest

         Aaron Luther

      Animal stories

       Mark Fosh is some British comedian and vlogger who's a source of pride across the pond for himself and many other British people. The huge YouTuber has millions of subscribers and whether these are real or again if they're just purchased bots from

content farms in China is not known. What is known though he is he did one banger video where Max and a food challenge Champion named Neil Wehry did a three-way challenge with a egregious three-way food challenge with a monster grizzly bear named Tank.

This weird and bizarre hot dog contest took place and was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on the YouTube in recent once and indeed the bear did wind up winning this food eating contest of weenies. Leave it to Max Fosh to do a 10 minute video, which unfortunately only the last 2 minutes had the actual fucking bear eating food and

being on the table and the amounts of takes and remakes that they must have been doing in preparation for having this grizzly bear sit in the middle between these two eating hot dogs in a fast and speedy manner must have been numerous. 

      At one moment the grizzly bear named Tank was actually losing this contest to the Foodie pro bro Wehry in contest eventually the bigger stomach and appetite would win over and the center bear won this unique hot dog eating contest from Hell, which no one likely has ever seen before a maybe

never even repeated in any practical sense. Mad Max had tried to recruit Joey Chestnut to do this video which she utterly refused and was not going to get take any chances

eating next to a wild animal. Eventually the British comedian got another food contest eating star to appear and both Max and Neil seemed nervous as Tank's weenies were

running out and how this hungry and big bear would react when the food ran out was not known as even is Cub raised and trained domesticated these beasts are unpredictable. In Hank's case his owner has a huge acreage property and old Hank wanders and roams this mans lands pretty much trained and potty raised to be a loyal pet and essence a wild animal

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