David Pakman admits that he is a Democrat Party partisan hack as he appears at a party with Joe Biden and other influencers

      Troy York

    The extremist left-wing hack known as David Packman makes no secret that he is an extreme partisan Democrat. Mr Pakant appeared at a social media influencer and met with his leader Joe Biden along with other various social media influencers including the young homosexual known as harry Sisson. Both of these guys bent their knee and many went on to reflect the flirting that was going on between Hunter biden and Harry Sisson, but  Harry's assistant along with many saw them leave together and get a hotel room. Whether David Packman joined these  two guys was not known, but Mr Pakman came down and met Joe Biden and took a knee and held Mr Biden's hand in a move a total servitude. David Peckerwood is a communist who was born in either Argentina or Venezuela who has come here to be a 2 million subscriber primarily

purchase google bot propagandist podcaster propagandist who comes and talks about Donald Trump daily and insane basis.

      David Pakman is an idiot one of the stupidest podcast propagandist one can come across YouTube an amazingly this man pretty much admitted by going to this social media influencer "party" with old Joe and trying to give a strategy to the Democrats of how best to use media influencers in the next presidential contest. David Pakant is a fucking idiot along with Harry Sissy and together many of these leftist podcast propagandists all seem to have the same type of look that these two soy material loose caboose. Both Harry and King David perform misinformation  with their propaganda attempting hard to boost the Democrat chances and hopes every major election cycle whether it be the presidential or the mid-terms.

      Dave Pakman is a partisan extremist who lies out of his fucking ass everyday about the Republicans and primarily Donald Trump, whom he has had a obsessive hatred has led him to do a video every day about Donald Trump since August 14th of 2015. This silly son of a bitch needs to be deported back to Argentina and he is planning on shutting his voice message line because so many people like me call every day and bash his stupid fucking ass. David Packman is a fucking fool and a troll who keeps coming and talking

shit like many leftist these days about Trump supporters regretting their vote already in an asinine commentary meant to troll and anger people wish this jackass does a good job. At least for once he is honest and he is a sycophant of him for Joe Biden and the Progressive Democrats, but he needs to put this disclaimer before each and every program that this bastard does and probably declare that he is a partisan propagandist.

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