Introducing Penguinz0 who's very concerned about sex robots and mocks the use of them in denial of the coming transitory and normality

    Lamont Robinson

      A hippie and skuzzy looking podcaster name PenguinzO has come out and given his observation of the Las Vegas Convention and the number of sex robots that are available at $150,000. Penguin Zero is upset that the idea is being pushed for actual sex robots for society and penguinZ0 says these desperate men who will get these sex robots are

delusional and not in any sense of reality with their common sense of wanting a sex robot. Sexual relations with women are all time low with men and whether Penguinz0 is stud and a half is not known this weird looking YouTuber who needs a fucking haircut 

    Richton Penguinz complained about those advocates promoting robots and he says that no machine and robot should look like a human because he says so. Penguin zero is a anti-robot dipshit who doesn't understand that many men cannot nor want to have a real relationship with women a substitute thus will be a natural evolution in this

capital society. Whether penguinz0 likes it or not and from the likes of his video blasting the coming Sexual Robotic Revolution it appears that he's very discerned and upset. Penguin zero went on a rant about the sex robots and bash any man who would consider such a purchase. and whether or not any man or woman purchases such a product is really none of the business of this silly bastard lame little dick Youtuber.

Penguin Zero just loves the idea of men being used by women and discontinued tradition not to be challenged with an alternative as penguinz0 is just a weird hippie looking son of a bitch who just gives his opinions on a variety topics on YouTube, but none of them are any informative, educational, or of any entertainment value.  

     What's amazing is Penguins zero actually has 16 million subscribers which is utterly a huge number and watching his content it's amazing that this guy would have such a following. Penguinz0 is very concerned about sex robots and why he cares about it so much is of some mystery almost as much of a mystery how this silly Jackass has 16 million subscribers. Clearly this guy is purchasing Gaybot along with subscribers robots and fake subscribers as the Chinese Bot Clicker is always very busy clicking in order to drive up the fake numbers and subscribers of scum such as PenguinZ0 who's an outer jackass and worried about

sex robots fucking him in his penguin ass. penguinZ0 secretly does desire sex robots but not a woman sex robot as clearly this guy desires a 10-in black male sex robot to get on top of him and spread his skinny little ass cheeks and pull his extremely long brown hair until he squirms and squeals like a pig. This hillbilly fucker squinty and swirmy Penguinz0 squirms at the idea and gets aroused by a robot dominating him and don't believe in the bullshit that he tries to claim in his YouTube channel. This man wants a fucking sex robot and he wants one with a fucking 10-in cock

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