King Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions shows Joe Biden's top 50 bloopers and his inability to remember names

     Woody Underwood

     Clearly, we are on the precipitous of the end of the most the worst US presidency in the history of this nation Joe Biden is a failed president A demented man in his mid-80s who doesn't know his own head from his ass. This disgusting troll anti-American and anti-White failed president has a week left and with this Run Don't Walk Productions. Andrew utterly destroyed Joe Biden in the past week with his top 50 bloopers in a long and incredible display of Joe Biden's

incompetency in the horrible 4 years at this shit fucker had as president of the United States. Joe Biden has disgraced the presidency and the office along with this country and the number of gaffes this old nasty human being did cannot be understated. Andrew found 50 clips that he determined to be the top 50 of Joe Biden's horrendous actions and comments throughout the four years is this disgusting president did nothing but insult half the country and seemed to relish in doing this.

     This demented old man got even worse as his brain regressed and the amount of material that Andrew Arundel of Run Don't Walk  Productions was able to make with failed president Biden through the years was absolute amazing and he is one of the best political analysts on the YouTube. Andrew

also released within the same week many of Joe Biden's name mistakes as this old idiot couldn't remember people's names even when they had names that were not difficult and presented to his old brain numerous times. Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions does not believe that this country and 80 million people voted for this shit fucker and indeed what we had occur in 2020 was a insurrection against our elections our political system brought on likely by foreign forces primarily China and creating the biggest election fraud campaign in the

history of democracy as stated by this dumb motherfucker Joe Biden himself. Dumb Biden has a week left in this country cannot look forward enough to not having to see this nasty and Delaware establishment corrupt politician. Once he is out of power and  no longer controls the justice system we need to commence with various political

prosecutions against this fucker for allowing foreign bribery and all sorts of crimes. These crimes this bastard Joe Biden did not only while in the white house but as primarily as vice president and US senator for the small and insignificant state of Delaware. Joe Biden might just well indeed spend the rest of his last years of his miserable life in the prison cell where he should have been in the last two decades.

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