Metal Leo cannot believe how bad Oakland is is the Vietnamese are packing their restaurants and moving back to Vietnam

     Jay Yang

     The incredible YouTuber known as Metal Leo came to Oakland and showed the disastrous state that this once proud and great Kalifornia City has regressed and declined into. Oakland is a city filled with empty stores in for lease and this Metal Leo walked around this shithole city he could not help to notice how the entire downtown was devoid of life and stores. There are very few stores in downtown Oakland many of them primarily being a Chinese descent and the

number of streets that Metal Leo saw with empty stores in the downtown district was remarkable. Mental Leo noticed wouldn't even the vietnamese stores that was closed and indeed many people are wondering if the Vietnamese are even leaving Oakland

and California to return to their native country. Oakland quite literally is a hell hole crime written failed city caused by the failed policies of bad Democrat politicians Metal Leo walked around and filmed the

numerous for lease signs and for sale and he wondered who would purchase such businesses and stores. Oakland is a city that time forgot and the metal one actually walked by a Hyatt and wonder who the hell would get a hotel room in Oakland in 2024.

     Metal Leo looked into the Hyatt Hotel and knows there was no one there and indeed this could be a ghost business and part of the global chain just holding and hoarding property. Oakland is devoid of any positive reflection and is typical of the major

regression American cities have seen in the past two or three decades with perhaps this city being the biggest one to dramatically fall into third world status. Metal Leo cannot believe this was the United States and as he walked around this city has totally been

abandoned to the criminals and offers no opportunity for business owners to survive and run a thriving enterprise. Metal Leo bash the leaders of the city for allowing Oakland to decline and he cannot believe as he walked around and did a recent video the bad condition of its downtown and how

awful it looks. Oakland is synonymous with what is going on with this country primarily from a political party that is allowed open borders and encouraged criminality to spread and thrive in a massive network of corruption and drugs. There is little to bring about a change until this fascist urban party is brought down

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