Michelle McDaniel rips San Francisco and it's placement of a fat czar to promote unhealthy fat lifestyles

 Jack cactus

    The fat critic known as Michelle McDaniel utterly ripped the city of San Francisco for hiring an obese are and someone who promotes and wants to find more acceptance for obesity. Michelle McDaniel did not want to spend much time on this appointment of a fat acceptance are as the whole idea is absurd and is straight out of San Francisco and typical of this shit City. Some maniac

name Virgia Tovar has been named as a fat Czar and indeed this woman has often been a topic of Michelle McDaniel's past YouTube's as this weird and fat disgusting woman has led a one fat ass war against those who attack obesity and are pressing against the FED acceptance. This weird author Ms Tovar has now been granted a position in the health department of San Francisco to support a unhealthy lifestyle which is absurd. 

    Michelle McDaniel often makes it out that fat acceptance is bad and promotes more unhealthy lifestyles that this country is already addicted to and the idea that a city would promote such an unhealthy look and lifestyle with taxpayer money is utterly city of San Francisco like many Democratic Party promotes crazy ideas and woke him and thus the idea that a Virgie Tovor is needed and should be funded by the city for being fat and a slob is something Michelle McDaniel and many other people  Virginia Tovar is a pig and a half and her being the face of the health department in

San Francisco is utterly slap in the face and through the high cost of healthcare the priorities and lunacy of San Francisco in diverting taxpayer money to this fat ass is utterly Michelle McDaniel says she is not anti-woke, anti-feminism but she is anti whatever Virginia Tovar is representing and this weirdness that liberal Democrat areas promote such as a fat Czar for the Department of Health is typical of these libtard cities who purposely promotes silly scummy stuff and desire for this shit to be highlighted Michelle
McDaniel bashed Virginia tomorrow for promoting fatism and confusing young people that indeed being

fed is all right and acceptable when it isn't and as a sign of selfishness and  gorging oneself in a world with limited food and resources pressure needs to be put on the city of San Francisco to disinvest in this fat czar position and the physician itself is a insult to the residents of San Francisco as the city is promoting unhealthy lifestyles and body image with accepting Virginia Tovor as normal American body size and weight.

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