Archie Bannister
The dimensional and sick Democrat Party is full-blown psychotic entity and wants to gender confuse the young children in this country. This is why the Democrat Party goes to bats so hardly for a very small and tiny part of the population of transgenders and transvestites and the anger and bitterness that these weird Democrats often go in these hearings defending transvestitism is sick. The demanding nutballs that women's sports are open up to men pretending women is further indication that this party is a psychotic entity. It should be disbarred from political elections and not on any ballots. One of these
wicked sick individuals is a snobby elitist Jasmine Crockett who is a DEI lawyer and she likes to proclaim (pretend)? how smart she is because she went to college and got a law degree ignoring the fact that likely only because she's a black woman was why she was admitted and presented with such attorney jobs.
Whether Jasmine Crockett actually deserved her law degree is not known. But what, what is known as a Jasmine Crockett is a low-class ghetto ratchet horrible human being of low class and is one of the more toxic perhaps most toxic member of our political system. Thios woman does not act as educated and smart and she ahh pretend proclaims. Now that Jamal Bowman is gone, Jasmine Crockett talks like a ghetto maid and she did it again during a discussion and a bill presented by Nancy Mace to bar fake
women from playing in high school and collegiate women's sports-- which is just sick. As usual Jasmine Crockett and riled up the Republicans and she called Nancy Mace a sick girl and with this Nancy Mace interrupted Jasmine Crockett and started yelling at her and one point before totally being cut off Nancy mace challenge Jasmine Crockett to go outside and fight her which is utterly amazing. Jasmine Crockett needs to be censored and apologized for her actions and perhaps a direct movement against this Texas troll to remove her from Congress needs to take place as this woman does nothing but cause chaotic and combative arguing in the chambers of debates. Scary Jasmine Crockett is a disgusting dumb motherfucker regardless of a law degree that she is so proud of and essentially she was promoted and helped out throughout her collegiate career and we wonder if she even passed and did her own test and work.
Jasmine Crockett is a dumb chicken mother fucker who would it be Cat Scratch fevered by Nancy mace if they were outside in a fight as Nancy Mace is a former rape victim and isn't someone that's me messed around with. It is sad that we have shit heads like Jasmine Crockett and our political system who have no business in it and do not have the proper etiquette or demeanor to be a respected and presentable political representative and this Texas troll bitch has been utterly leveled by many podcasters replaying this video and how this instigator once again cause a embarrassing crisis in the Congressional Chambers during the debate. We are calling for not only the censor of Jasmine Crockett, but this weird all needs to be removed from Congress her actions are not representative of what a professional US Congress man or woman should be. Jasmine Crockett is a troll and a ghetto ratchet likely mentally unstable individual who should not be in our congressional system.
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