Silly and dorky California Senator Adam Schiff confronted on the streets told that Trump's going to put his ass in jail

      Douglas Glasgow

     The stupid and newly elected US senator for California is former congressman Adam Schiff who is a habitual liar and a typical snake oil skanky politician. This politician is one of the reasons why the American states.... the Golden State of California has regressed to the point of decline so dramatically as the failed leadership of a Democrat party has been awful for the residents who keep voting against their best interest. Why the people of Kalifornia

continue to vote for a political party that does not have your best interest in mind it's not understandable, but clearly the California residents are clueless when it comes to politics. With this in mind stupid the shit head Adam Schiff was confronted by a guy with the camera as Mr Schiff was leaving a meeting with one of his hookers. Adam Schiff was humiliated as this guy ran to meet him as he got into his limousine and told him that Donald Trump's going to send his fucking corrupt ass to jail. 

     With this Adam Shift said nothing and was man on the run rushing to get into the vehicle. Adam Schiff is a piece of shit and he likely always has been a piece of shit and he likely will always will be and the current situation in state of California politics where every politician is a scumbag explains why Adam Schiff got elected and is a sitting US senator. There is perhaps no worse

individual in our political system than this silly jackrabbit bastard Adam Schiff and the fact he would not get voted out but actually get a political promotion to a larger position is further indication of the upside down and regressed state of California. This silly scum jackass likely will remain in the seat until he's old and looks like Joe Biden and hopefully for many times people can confront this geek on the streets and tell him what an awful politician and how he could be having a future in jail like Illinois scumbag Michael Madigan

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