Larry Elder blast spyschotic podcaster Jordan Chariton and the cult of Luigi Mangolie appearing at his criminal court

 Brian Brain

    The jag wagon lunatic leftest weird podcast prick and propagandist brain shit Jordan Chariton is upset with Lord media monarch Jake Tapper and the CNN network. If CNN is upsetting this sack of human fecal matter Jordah Chariton then they just be improving with their news. CNN did a hit piece on Luigi Mangionie and these weird brain drug damaged leftist and with this a loser named Jordan Chariton who runs a podcast called Status Coup utterly attacked CNN Jordan Chariton joined the sidelines of these weird Millennial Z protesters all of whom were wearing masks outside. 

Larry Elder went off on this stupid podcaster who he called as leftist propagandist and the veteran radio host former California governor utterly blasted the people who are celebrating and supporting this monster  and brain turd Luigi Mangione. This scumbag shot Brian Thompson in the back because he was angry at the way the

company ran is business as far left scum like Luigi expect all insurance companies to cover everyone no matter what despite their preconditions. 

       This craze brainless psychotic thinking was essentially put all insurance companies out of business and many leftists now are making Luigi Mangionie a celebrity including this stupid YouTuber named Jordan Charitan who looks creepy and like he is part ig through DNA.  Jordan quite

literally looks like a pig who Waddles in the filth of the far left propaganda and Larry Elderly called this guy a punk for his open and loving support for for this announced domestic terrorist according to the FBI and this pronouncement

makes Chariton's brain fizzle and he gets bananas. Luigi Mangione, in fact Jordan Cahriton does perhaps 10 videos a week he is so infatuated with Luigi Mangione and the host of the Status Coup little view podcast would love to suck the penis of this brutal killer who's now on trial. The death penalty should be given to Luigi

Mangione and Larry Elder says each and every person protesting and support of this psychotic cold-blooded killer who shot a person in the back is a potential powder keg and a possible future Luigi Mangione. Elder says it's the propaganda from left-wing lunatic such as Jordan Chariton play a huge role and these

leftists vile slanders of corporate executives indeed do so in the hope that there is an outcome of what we saw in New York with a murder of Brian Thompson. Jordan Chariton should lose his YouTube channel and his violent despicable support for a open and closed guilt of this scumbag terrorist who will be found guilty with all this evidence. Larry Elder says the fear monger and haters in the podcast world created Luigi and these leftists who encourage violence need to pay a price as well in a court of law for their inflammatory broadcast.

Tick tocker Nick Fagan utterly embarrasses and kicks the fat stomach of JB Pritzker dumb Illinois governor

         Trevor Travis


      The horrible 350 lb gangster governor of Illinois JB Pritzker continues to be horrified by the amount of people that go after his fat ass. JB Pritzker has become a national laughing stock with various National hosts like Greg Gutfeld taking daily aim at this fat woke plutocrat à la carte governor of Illinois. Make no mistake, JB Pritzker is a fucking oligarch who has used government to

enriching himself and other family members as over 10 members of the Pritzker family are billionaires and this does not happen by accident. The Pritzker family is not any more intelligent smarter, naturally genetically superior than other families and the amount of global corruption this fat heiress of the Hyatt Hotel corruption cannot be understated.


     This Democrat oligarch JB Pritzker is a fat mother fucker with money global handout he has purchased a Governor's Mansion in Illinois in order to feed his big  ego that almost matches his appetite hunger for food. Jamie Pritzker has such a neoclassical fat

narcissist that he had the need to be seen in front of cameras much so he can spew his opinions on politics and this is exactly what this fat 1930's weird and looking gangster has basically done. JB Pritzker purchased the governor's mansion so he can cry, bitch, and smear his political opponents in particularly Donald Trump every opportunity he gets. JB Pritzker about the only thing JB Pritzker

would pass up over an opportunity to talk in cameras and bash Trump would be all you can eat steak buffet. This disgusting 364 lb governor has been a complete laughing stock in an embarrassment in the land of Lincoln and increasingly the hatred and exposure of what a at clown and bad Democrat is being discovered by those outside Illinois. 

       Now various other people are setting their sites on the morbidly obese and strange looking caveman looking individual as the oligarch JB Pritzker often looks and sounds.  Tick Tocker Nate Fagan is the latest to absolutely roast this nearly 400 lb this governor who nearly tops the scales at 400 lb Nate Fagan showed a tweet of JB Pritzker talking some shit and SmackDown on Robert Kennedy and how he wants to fight for the health of each and every citizen of Illinois and thus Nate Fagan went on to show how Jamie Pritzker looks so healthy with his 370 pounds.  Fagan says this oligarch Jamie " Boss Hogg"  Pritzker doesn't care about the health and this is a crooked fat and politician he was just lying out of his ass is this guy can't even keep himself in the healthy visual. Nate Fagan rat roasted this guy and wondered how can an individual who is so bloated,round and obese and unhealthy can be talking about concern for the voters health. 

     The only health that JB Pritzker cares is his income Revenue stream and having a healthy return to his wealth. Fat heads net overwhelmed income has quadrupled since he has become governor this fucker is so corrupt. Nate Fagen is just one of many Americans who come coming to realize we have enemies within our midst and many of them are indeed political positions of power such as this obese oligarch JB Pritzker and he'll yields his power like a neoclassical narcissist dictator from South America in the 1960's. JB Pritzker's without a doubt is one of the biggest smash head scoundrels to have ever be seen in the governor's mansion and he makes it very easy target to troll and attack the Democrats given his family's connection and his role as a oligarch for the Democrat Party.

State of that Daniel and Hodge Twins laugh as Jon Stewart embarrasses himself cutting himself on a cup

      Clark Kramer

     The geriatric gutless coward known as Jon Stewart The Daily Show cut his hand and had little boo boo with this in mind numerous YouTubers and internet hosts make fun of this old gagger as state of Daniel and his dog Rusty and The Hodge Twins Buck and Earl Hodge utterly destroyed Jon Stewart and his latest bum bum. Jon Stewart is this geriatric Noah all television leftists who just as Tucker Carlson became big on Fox News Jon Stewart decided to bail and

head for the hills. Jon Stewart could not take being critiqued and criticized for his work by Tucker Carlson on the huge Fox News show and he decided to either retire or stand  on down low until Tucker Carlson went away which is exactly what happened. Now that Tucker Carlson is not on network television doing a Daily Show often critiquing these leftist cable news hosts such as Jon Stewart. 

    The little weasel Jon Stewart came back John Stewart is this strange and dumb as ever not never really funny and having clapping seals in his audience who read a teleprompter that tells them when to laugh and do it prompt. John Stewart cut himself on a coffee mug  and State Of Daniel and his dog Rusty barked at the imagery of Mr Stewart getting so mad about these

insurance companies and high rise cost of drugs. John Stewart banged a cup  in a weak attempt to look  like a tough guy as a individual mad as hell and he is not going to take it anymore, but he looked stupid instead as he had blood flow of his hand attached to hismimp wrist. and at his age losing any amount of blood is a danger. 

  Meanwhile Earl and Dale Hodge of the Hodge conservative twins laughed at these unhinged leftists and bashed  Stewart's main arguments. John Stewart is mad at the tax cuts and not at the wasteful government spending to his beloved Democrat Party has put forward in international projects primarily GLBTQ weird homosexual activity nowhere has Stewart ever criticize this wasteful spending and why American taxpayer must fund for Turkish transsexual operations, instead  John Stewart and the other leftist wave about the US military budget ignoring the fact that in a Mad World with crazy dictators, Communists, and Islamic terrorists having a strong military and maintaining power preeminence overall other nations is very important. However, Jon Stewart is mad the healthcare is being  cut and it's costly for people ignoring the fact that doctors have raised prices and the people are not getting the proper Medical Care much of it wasted on a Health Complex intent on bringing profits for the pharmaceutical companies as their primary goal and not that of treating and stopping illness.

         Jon Stewart is stupid and is a leftist and he will continue to be mocked for such incidents as not being able to prevent his stress from venting up, and clearly this dude is a dude who should have stayed retired. Jon Stewart is not the Jon Stewart 2004 yet some leftist think that this guy's presidential material even though his brain is regressed he is old, he is a Nancy, and quite literally many people find his opinions and his objections annoying. John Stewart is not drawing in many viewers like you did when he was younger and clearly this dipshit does not have what it takes to even be a US senator a congressman let alone president. This guy would be breaking mugs and cutting his hand on a daily basis. The Hodge twins and state of Daniel were just two of many YouTubers mocking this old Nancy jackass, who looks like an old homosexual angered and nasty because he cannot have the same amount of encounters as he did in his younger days. Jon Stewart is a little and cowardly man who only came back because he knew the media landscape was safe and Tucker Carlson was not around to ridicule him and his work on the Daily Show ,which would have drove old Nancy John Stewart's bananas.

YouTube pranker Blake Bachert is Man On The Run arrested in New Jersey unable to film in this state

    Thomas Assbook

        Blake Bachert you fucked around and found out as he did yet another award-winning prank pretending to be a secure guard. This risky prank was done by the Blake Blanchard in his butt messing with people and pretending to be security and seeing whether they were stealing or farting. Bachert did this incredible security store

and mall prank where he bugs several people before pranking the wrong victim. Blake Blanchard was in the mall and was Man On The Run being chased by several people angered at the trolling and pranking that he was doing pretending to be a train professional security guard. Bachert escaped many times as he did not want to be

trespassed in this mall and this man has gotten into trouble several times in New Jersey in past pranks. However, Blake Bachert did one fatal mistake messing with two New Jersey Muslims telling them that they look suspicious and they immediately call the police and then held Blake Bachert as he and his cameraman try to escape and make a run for it. 

     Blake Banchard and his cameraman were detained and eventually arrested as the Blake one will no longer be able to film YouTube pranks in the state of New Jersey as he is worn out his welcome and collected the various warrants and warnings that one can get away with. It's not really a smart thing

the pretend to be a policeman or security guard and Blake Banchard and his Squad were stopped and detained by nine 0. Blake looked like he was taking a shitas he squatted like a Shawnee Indian for whatever reason when he was being detained in this Ross Dress For Less store in New Jersey and

the hilarious arrest and detainment of Blake Bachert and his camera crew on the run pranks in various malls can be seen in his most recent upload. Blake Bashard is a stud and a half a dude willing to go overboard and risk limb and break bone rich in order to please his growing fan base and for this

he must be commended. Blake Banchert decided to do this prank remains a mystery. Blake was easy going though recapping the incidents as he says he will now head to Pennsylvania and start filming in this state and the city of brotherly love. It's only a matter of time before the same management and prank prevention will be distributed for Mr Batcher in Pennsylvania as well as blank is not fast enough when he is Man On The Run and needs to find better ways to escape precarious situations with his pranks go all right awry 

French leader laughingstock Emmanuel Marcone doesn't want his knee touched as he is humiliated by Donald Trump

   Sammy Hamcheck

     The good show that has been the complete failure of French president Emmanuel Marcone was mocked by number 45 and number 47 . Donald Trump put his hand on the knee to demean and talk down into Emmanuel Marcone in a humiliating visual expression that made the French leader angry and trolled. Emmanuel Marcone is a nobody compared to America and France is a fallen Empire living on the subsidies of unequal trade deals and thus the French people and are able to have so many businesses of bakers and fresh bread and different places to buy bread the French love. The  use of subsidies France and other Europe nations receive from the United States has done to protect itself in order to build up is luxury lifestyle and artisan surroundings while importing its ghetto residents to fill in the outer barrels of its major cities.

     Manual Marcone is a complete laughing stock leader with little respect and much to disdain within his own country and for him to come and challenge Donald Trump and try to shove his hand off his knee was utterly reprehensible and laughable. Marcone is Americas bitch and sweetheart whether he likes it or not.  if Donald Trump wants to tap him on the knee and let him know that he is a submissive subservient little dog for the United States then he should be able to get away without a pop. However Emmanuel Marco-- and who has a transsexual wife - - did not want to have any of this in this visual of his humiliation from

Trump  and he was mad not going to accept thus. Their hands battled for several seconds in a odd display and dance between world leaders and much of the world held its breath or those who were watching live.  
The fact is the United States is a superpower and France played the part of an Empire but they never really was in fact a Empire.
 France had was a bunch of weak African nations and some Viet Kong-type people and tribal and this country has long cease being an Empire over two or three centuries yet here you have Emmanuel Marcon demanding and pretending they still have the same respect Europe this week and thus brings weak leaders and week loss against censorship and Free Speech nothing exemplifies a globalist of modern era than a

leader like a Emanuel Marcone and fellow weakling Justin Trudeau these two week leaders embarrass their nations and are unable to comprehend how to deal with the United States run by a strong leader. I reckon this is why they fund many week leaders whether they be Barack Obama or Joe Biden and the failed candiacy are come out.  Hillary Clinton Emmanuel Marcon wants a American president who will show him respect and not tap him on the knee and remind him of his mistakes in misfortunes of a fail nation and thus we saw the dance of the hands.

Scared YouTuber Joshua Carr kicks Bill Burr's ass calls him a psychopath for wishing death on billionaires

    Bradley Austin

    Joshua Carr is a YouTuber who has 7,000 subscribers and the incredible wit and smart snarky podcast he provides tackling the far left is incredible Perry Joshua Car recently went off on whom he called a psychopath in the bald head craze comedian known as Bill Burr. Bill Burr and audio of him going off on billionaires wishing them death and saying that we should get rid and put them away made news and should have canceled this bald headed son of a bitch. The promotion of violence in this day and age should not be tolerated and Bill Burr's call for violence

against billionaires as Joshua Carr says doesn't make sense given the net worth that this bald head nasty comedian is worth himself. Bill Burr is clearly a delusional derange individual likely influenced by his crazy black wife and Joshua Carr cannot believe the regression of this one-time this craze comedian said that billionaire should be put down like a rabid dogs and who Bill Burr thinks that he is the arbitrator of this decision remains unknown.

       Bill Burr and his bald head are a fucking disgrace and this is another libtard likely influence by his wife and he disgusting comments by Bill Burr should have been more nationally condemned. Joshua Carr ripped Bill Burr's comments last week that have outraged some. Bill Burr is a actual dipshit who should be confronted by people for this comment and why no one's gone in his ugly face and put a microphone in

demanded a current reaction and comment from Bill Burr is not known. Bill Burr likely is Man On The Hide has this guy is avoiding any publicity and public events since making this craze comment and one has to wonder if Mr Bird's having a Psychiatry problems and whether he should be held in the hospital in a room with a padded wall and arm restraint.

      Joshua Carr says Bill Burr doesn't understand the economy and that these billionaires have contributed a lot in order to get this value and the ignorance of this goofy fucker who in my opinion is not really a good comedian and never was is outrageous and typical of the celebrity class .Joshua Carr went on to explain economics and that Bill Burr is either dumb or mistaken that rich people are not taking money from other people through their wealth and this misconception is basically a communist talking points which could be what Bill Burr has become Bill Burr is a piece of shit who looks like he would fit right in of the Vladimir Lenin armies of 100 years ago who butchered people in many times in jealous rage of the wealth that these people had accumulated as the Soviet Union was formed. Joshua Carr says Bill Burr is a weak dirt pig boy just wants to wallow in the mud and in his ignorance and Bill Burr's opinion that people should be taken out because of the money that they are allocated and received further ideas and ventures of communism and this man is a deluded deranged ass fucker.

Former German Chancellor Olaf Scholz loses considers moving America and running for president under the Democratic party in 2028

            Jackie Butterworth

     The German left suffered a huge defeat as Olaf Scholz lost to a right-wing candidate in German elections. The very handsome and charismatic bald head Olaf Hitler will no longer be German Chancellor and the political future of this great Statesman and super stud remains a mystery. Some sources don't have Olaf Scholz wanting to move to America and bring about the radical German anti- free speech and censorship movement into the United States. Olaf Scholz was a big proponent for censoring speech online and to making it a hate crime anything negative one would say about another person. Olaf is a drunk and

he should start his own beer German beer brand called Scholz Beer. Olaf represents the German left and a crazed political party that has had many bad politicians who have made modern day. The German left no different and essentially modern-day Germany and the leftist politicians like Olaf Baldz the country very similar to the last days of the East German Republic.

      Scholz is a outstanding studly bald head man who would make a great American president and indeed Democrats and the fascist movement within the United States are heavily recruiting this man as a free agent and want him to rescind German citizenship and move to America. Given the political experience of Olaf Scholz many hope that he does make the move to America and get citizenship as the Democrats will

seek to somehow change the Constitutional law that American president has to be born in the United States. There is no reason that Olaf Scholz born in Germany and already being a German president cannot run for president under the Democrat primary and eventually when it's in 2028. Olaf Bald and his outstanding looks with his bald head and business suit would be a prime candidate and a front runner if he were to make the move to America. One can envision that Americans Democrat Party will soon push and promote for foreigners to run in the primary is this party of open borders inclusion would love to include a statesman with much leadership experience and power that Olaf desires. Scholz is a stud in a half who had a different German woman a week is this dude just could not stop womanizing and indeed in Germany womanizing is a admirable attributes for both the politician and gentleman in general. 

    Lord Olaf wants really wants to become an American president and we think that he will indeed make the move although he will likely be ineligible and the Constitution will not be changed. However, she wants can be a sitting US senator and congressman and look for this man to immediately join the Democrat Party and to seek higher office as the talents of Olaf Scholz would not need to start at the bottom of many political careers in America such as dog catcher administrator which is officially the lowest ranked political

office one can find in America. The failed and former German leader who was just fucking kicked out of office in Germany mow wants something like the US Senate or congressional seat for Christmas,  perhaps if he has a law experience he will demand to be a member of an expanded US Supreme Court. Whatever the opportunity we wish wants the best of luck and indeed this handsome and extraordinary talented and incredible man would be a welcome addition to today's Democrat Party

Officer Brandon Tatum destroys Joy Reid and dick head Don Lemon called some toxic fail members of the media

          Douglass Glasgow

      One of the more underrated podcasters is a YouTuber named Brandon officer Tatum. This amazing YouTuber does videos after videos and often flies under the radar not getting the same recognition that  Matt Walsh or a Dan Bongino again. However, officer Brandon Tatum continues to do hard-hitting videos and content against the political left and the craze ideology of the GLBRQW community and the others and this former police officer in turn podcaster is one of the more outstanding political opinion YouTube channels out there is Brandon Tatum. He utterly destroyed two Black supremacists in media monarchy that have been overthrown and had lost their crown. Joy Reid had lost her show last week and Brandon Tatum showed some low lights from this low life MSNBC radical analyst who did nothing but  spew racism and try her best to divide the country through hate thanks to MSNBC keeping this monster almost 5 years on

their network in Prime time. Joy Reid should have been fired 4 years and 6 months ago for the numerous horse manure that she said even back then and the amount of racism this woman was able to dispute on a daily basis on MSNBC was utterly reprehensible. Joy Reid was basically able to do hate crimes against this country and the majority of the population night after night until finally

pressure got to be too much and ratings crash of this extremist media channel was too much. 

     Officer Brandon Tatum called Joy Reid a clown and looked at some video of her always with some crazy hairstyle and he said this was reprehensible of this woman in general who was just a crazy individual. For some reason MSNBC decided this is the shit lady was worthy of a shit show for five

years  that they wanted to go with as their Prime Time news anchor and whatever executive made and stuck with this decision to keep this idiot should have their heads roll. Likewise, the racist Don Lemon was utterly

destroyed by Officer Brandon Tatum who played his disgusting profane rant and hate the lemon head leveled against Megyn Kelly and Tatum mocked Don Lemon and his sexuality saying that Don Lemon wishes he could be Megyn Kelly he wishes he can look like her wishes he could attract men like her. Officer Brandon Tatum utterly destroyed the former CNN host who likewise with Joy Reid was an utter racist and black supremacist who also was able to spew racism against white people on these left-wing

Democrats Joe Biden media. Brandon Tatum utterly tore Don Lemon a new asshole which given the amount of entrances Mr Lemon  has taken in his arse he should update and changed on the annual basis. The amazing Lets go Brandon Tatum take down of Joy Reid and Don Lemon was the highlight of the week and we strongly encourage more people to check out this popular YouTuber and content creator who just kicks ass and is a a thorn on the side of the Communist woke left in this country

Ugly, old, nasty James Carville will be predicting a Trump economic collapse until he his old Red face is blue

       Mitch Welch

       The disgusting old dinosaur big mouth Louisiana loser James Carville continues to embarrass the state of Louisiana and himself. The Ugly bald the head alien looking Democrat strategist continues to appear on numerous podcasts and other internet shows insisting that the Trump collapses coming within of the month. James Carville has been predicting Trump collapsing and losing whether it be after 2016 or during the campaign in 2024 as this perpetual dipshit

cannot shut up and has such Trump derange syndrome he continues to embarrass himself and mock the Republic with his stupid innate predictions. James Carville is no Gerald Celente  and this man can't predict shit coming out of his ass on a daily basis and indeed the amount of horseshit James

Carville continues to be able to spew out of his old mouth is utterly disgraceful whether it be on the corrupt Democrat Party media of MSNBC or CNN or on dipshit podcast such as Michael Cohen.  

       The despicable and bald head 92-year-old James Carville will be predicting a Trump collapse the next 4 years and can hold his breath and wait for it. James Carville does not know economics, he doesn't know politics, and he doesn't know his own ass from his head as this stupid perpetual

dumb motherfucker is basically a troll and put on by leftist whether being the podcast propaganda that works or be dying dinosaur media. James Carville appeared on Chris Cuomo's News Nation and said that Elon Musk will bring out so much Democrat hatred and bring them to the polls and folding and when Chris Cuomo asked him why Mr Carvel's 90-year-old brain broke.

James Carville pretend he couldn't hear and all had audio issues as Cuomo pressed for an answer why he thinks that Elon Musk and his important work of rooting out wasteful spending somehow will draw out the voting base in so many Democrat voters much like Barack Obama. James Carville as usual was talking out of his fucking old ass and when confronted with one of his stupid statements his brain slipped and stopped. Make no mistake, James Carville is near death and he likely won't even see a third Trump term when Trump gets elected in 2028 as the worms are eating the rot of James Carville's brain. James Carville's brain has become popcorn. 

.    The media of MSNBC and CNN love to annoy the nation and they do a good job with many of the people they pick in allow to give their opinions on a consistent basis and one of these is this stupid mother fucker name James Carville, who offers absolutely nothing in political talk. James Carville is a foul mouth low IQ bald head asshole who just basically is known because he was part of the corrupt Bill and Hillary Clinton failed administration. James Carville stuttered and stammered unable to speak coherently perhaps drugged out with all these old person pills that he must take in order to survive. Carville lied out of his ass as he said that these Town Halls are organic and are not being organized and demonstrated by the weird Democrats who had been the totally known in the past for these stage events. James Carville's insistence that these Town Halls are organic are perhaps the biggest bullshit we've seen yet in 2025 and maybe the bullshit statement of the year. James Carville appeared on the Michael Cohen podcast with his usual lies against Donald Trump the amount of shit that comes out of this old man's mouth is tiresome and annoying. The only thing that's going to collapse are the brain cells of James Carvel's demented and declining brain as this man is going bananas unable to deal and comprehend of Donald Trump's continued success whether it be in  International politics such as ending the Ukraine war, or other amazing Geo strategic negotiating an internal economic chess playing that Mr Trump just keeps winning . 

       Carville hates it that Trump keeps winning with his successful cabinet pics and great team that he has in store for this country in the future success. James Carville is a little weasel who is this media whore receiving untold's amount of USAID money and clearly this man is upset of Elon Musk and Mr Trump in upsetting the potential balance in future revenue that would eventually get into this old nasty man's pockets. James Carvel's brain is collapsing and becoming butter and hopefully in the near future we will not have to worry too much more of having to see this ugly face on the Internet or the media as Carville I believe will be collapsing within months and will be 6 ft unde the way he looks so close to death as he is now

Failed California Congressman Eric Slawwell is Man On The Run as independent journalist smokes him

   Rusty Stone

         The disgusting Troll and bad Kalifornia Congressman known as Eric's Slawwell is a disgrace to this nation and much of it is being spread about good news and information. Eric's Slawwell is this California congressman who sold secrets to the Chinese Empire and basically slept with numerous Chinese women in order to get this information about to the Orange monster Jinpin Xi. Eric's Slawwell is a discussing traitor to this country and he is against the important work of saving the American

taxpayer money because Eric Slawwell wants the American taxpayer money to be sent to crazed globalized and socialist causes overseas. Scumbag Eric Slawwell was confronted by indie journalists asking how Elon Musk is a danger to our country when we have a Kalifornia Congressman sleeping with the Enemy and giving information and intelligence to the Chinese CCP one party coming this government Eric Slawwell yelled and tried to go left he tried to go left he tried to go right and he was all over the place

trying to get away from the questioning by this independent journalist. Once again a Democrat was confronted and I love it. We need more people to confront these corrupt rat bastard Democrats as Shaun Thompson the WIND radio will say. 

       Eric  Slawwell was man on the go, man On The run, band on the run as Paul McCartney and this Wings 70s rock group would say. So I will do no one hit him and the confusion of this pompous and arrogant Democrat bastard rat politician was seen throughout the internet. Eric Slawwell was asked how Elon Musk is a danger to our

democracy when we have California craze politicians like him lying and spreading misinformation to the media, while delivering important information to the Chinese government. Eric Slawwell cannot get enough of Chinese pussy and even the

lowest form of women from China he might give information to if the opportunity is right this disgusting troll politician has to go as POS like himself pose a existential threat to our nation and his willingness to expose secrets for sex with Chinese women presses the fact that this guy should be arrested and imprisoned for treason