Beard Meets Food moron Adam Moran comes to Chicago and gets humiliated at Lucky's sandwich bar in Wrigleyville

     Armando Arturo


     The weird overeater and food obsessed Adam Moran came to Chicago not too long ago and was stopped at Lucky's Sandwich to try some sandwich food challenge. Lucky's is some Sandwich Bar in Wrigleyville that is small and somehow gets much publicity and the weird globalist food eating extraordinaire character known as Beard Meets Food it was early mocked and ridicule by the bar patrons during this food challenge some of the people in the bar recognize him and some didn't. Many of the bar patrons laughed and mocked that Adam Moran was facing was his huge camera set up and how weird it was this guy eating food talking to himself and the cameras and making the content that he does.

      It is utterly reprehensible in in the world of hunger we have these weird motherfuckers like Joe Hansen and Adam Moran going on YouTube and showing how much, they can eat in one sitting as if somehow there is virtue in over for eating like your King Henry the 8th. Moran is a moron for making these videos gorging yourself is some skill and accomplishment and his Beard Meets Food was utterly ridiculed and humiliated by the Chicago Bar patrons making fun of this clown's accent and how much food he was getting on his beard and goofy fuck that Adam Moran AKA buried In Food is as usual. The  beard ones Lucky's three massive sandwich challenge with was easy for him and for the bar patrons can't believe how he acquired this talent of eating so much and how this guy slim and is and not 400 lb. 

     Adam Moran is a self-centered selfish jackass and a half who just wants to show content for himself gorging himself like a king in medieval Europe while the peasants starve and the idea that we have content creators who just eat in one sitting that is the setting of their channels utterly laughable. Adam Moran's Chicago area trip ended in late fall last year and he is just now still putting out videos from it the number of food challenges he was able to find in and around the Windy City and the Midwest as the British born native loves to do all these food eating challenges in Canada , the United States, and his native Great Britain.

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