Little Leprechaun corrupt career politician Michael Madigan found guilty on 10 counts in corruption trial

      Calvin Hamilton

      The long and often National media ignored trial of King Michael Madigan  of Illinois has come to an end Mr Magidan was convicted of 10 counts of conspiracy bribery and wire fraud in a high profile corruption case. The former speaker of the Illinois House who served over 30 years of corruption in the Land of Lincoln was found guilty and a slew of charges including racketeering conspiracy. This is a historical conviction and the beginning of the end of Illinois Democrats, whom all are as corrupt as Michael Madigan who was their beloved leader. A high-profile corrupt rat bastard Democrat king has

fallen and the kingdom of Michael Madigan has come to an end when he was arrested and finally has been served Justice. This son of a bitch was found guilty and the downfall of this man was shocking by people who cover Illinois politics as the former Illinois legislative leader finally was brought down. 

     Magidan's schemes involving the state's largest utility ComEd were discovered as this con man was finally brought down much like Al Capone in the same State many many moons ago. Michael Madigan's a low

leprechaun Irish gangster who lost his crown and he no longer is a king in the state of Illinois. Michael Madigan is going to be serving time in a state pen as this man doled out kickbacks jobs contracts to his loyalist and the amount of corruption that rat bastard Illinois Democrats have been

accused and gone away through the years is over. Illinois Democrats and Democrats in general are running scared and indeed their National media has not covered this case like the local media as the narrative of the massive corruption that Democrats and Democrat-controlled states are able to get away with is something that CBS, ABC Disney, CNN, or MSNBC don't wish for their listeners to learn.                   Michael Madigan is a rat bastard Democrat and now he will be rat faster than others with a number and an Orange jumpsuit. The geriatric 80 something year old, nasty, ugly politician likely will die in prison in this man will not see the light of day as there's very little chance that Donald Trump will give

this man a pardon. Michael Madigan is a little piece of shit who has long corrupted the state of Illinois with his political party that is massively corruption and has been taking over the treasury and that Kickbacks American taxpayer money to political operatives and royalty years later. The abuse of power in the manipulation of public policy for personal gain was the trademark of Michael Madigan who was first elected in 1970 and through Michael Madigan's political map making efforts the Democrats have built a gerrymandered state that they could easily control take over and increase a wasteful spending corruption aid to  internationally allies and rich people linked to this wicked  political party that has no interest in serving the American people.

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