Jack Cactus
Chicago very own radio Legend Eddie Schwartz did a special show on the passing of the professional wrestler known as a one-man game. The One Man Gang also known as a Akeem was one of the biggest and baddest men from the city of Chicago on Halsted Street before being discovered and going to World Class Championship Wrestling in Texas in 1986. The early matches of the One Man gang clearly show the potential of this giant who many were
thinking was going to be one of the biggest wrestlers of the era and perhaps the next Hulk Hogan. If he was not going to be the next Hulk Hogan then One Man Gang was going to be the next Bruiser and Crusher Eddie Shwartz stated and how his career regressed to the point where he utterly
failed can be pinpointed arrogant World Wrestling Federation owner Vincent K McMahon. This creep changed One Man's character from the One Man Gang into some African pretend wrestler in one of the more ridiculed pro wrestling schemes of all time.
Vince McMahon quietly destroyed the career One Man Gang with this character change who through his early matched showed tremendous possibility as the big man and an unstoppable force in the ring and there was nothing holding back One Man Gang from being another Undertaker. I recently was reminded of OMG potential on Tik Tok as this Texas wrestling match from
1986 utterly destroyed Sean Michaels and the crowd reaction that this Beast received show the full potential of OMG being one of the most dominating forces in professional wrestling in the mid to late 80s. However, once he got in the World Wrestling Entertainment he was stuck in the mid cards and eventually and quickly the arrogant scumbag Vincent K McMahon changed his
character from a Chicago Street Thug to a white African wannabe in one of the more despicable and ridiculous character changes that the World Wrestling Federation did under the control of Vincent K McMahon. One Man Gang was never the same by the '90s and he was already done from
professional wrestling and much like Bam Bam Bigelow the potential and waste of OMG as a incredible and power wrestler with his 480 lb frame was unfulfilled thanks to stupid Wrestling Federation owner Vincent K McMahon-- who thankfully is no longer the owner of this wrestling organization the potential through Vincent King McMahon cannot be understated.
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