South Korean vlogger and ticktocker Pink Hip eviscerates Detroit rapper Denk Demoss suing Lyft because driver didn't want her 500 pound ass in car

     Reggie Rapper

  The incredible hip and beautiful South Korean blogger physical fitness guru and bodybuilder Pink Hip utterly destroyed this disgusting 500 lb black beast a black rapper in Detroit is making news with a lawsuit against lift a ride-sharing company because the driver refused to let her 500 lb morbidly obese body into his car and he did not want to damaged by this gross woman. This Woman's frivolous lawsuits with a snake oil lawyer has made news and with this Pink Hip all the way in South Korea decided to

give her opinion and to utterly bash this morbidly obese and repulsive rapper Denk Demoss from the city of Detroit this rapper named Denk demoss so utterly overweight. Pink Hip cannot believe that this person is in the entertainment industry and Pink Hips

wonder how this woman has actual fan base to hear her rap when she looks like he presents the way she does. 

     Pink hip told this woman and show the video of what South Korean women eat and why unlike the Black American population

there is very few overweight women in South Korea pink hip suggestion that this 500 lb rapper instead of looking for frivolous

lawsuits and to go to football parties pre-parties to get physically active joint and gym and get a trainer and run back and forth. Pink Hips showed a video of herself with a trainer doing run sprints and the various other physical activity that pink hip and

many other women perform in South Korea as no one sees a morbidly obese 500 lb South Korean women...ever. Pink Hip laughed at the idea that this woman is suing a Lyft drive car as the Hipster says she would not let this woman get in her car and she could only

imagine the smell the rapper Denk Demoss either and America's epidemic of physical and activity and obesity is utterly disgusting and the pink one cannot believe these women showed her face in public with no shame. This Detroit rapper is a utter disgrace and seeking to cash in so she can maintain

her 12,000 calorie daily diet as to be that fat you have to be so selfish and eat the equivalent of four people. Pink Hip had said this lawsuit and the existence of this woman is sad and she cannot believe how many American women are so obese and overweight and how they can get out and live a life as they do with apparently little shame.

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