The internet blows up as failed Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson set to make a appearance and a congressional subcommittee

 Jacoby Genevese

     Brandon Johnson and three other failed Democrat Party Mayors throughout America are going to feel the full wrath of Jim Jordan and the Republican house subcommittee. These failed Mayors are going to have to come and answer questions about why they run Sanctuary cities that basically is a sanctuary for criminals to run amok and ruin the environment for all the residents. Mayor of Shitcago is a shit head named Brandon Jackson is set to speak and try to defend sanctuary cities before a subcommittee on March 5th and the world are least the country waits with baited breath for this failed and awful Chicago mayor and radical black supremacist too try to defend the position of sanctuary cities before the

Mayor Brandon Jackson and the flag he serves

Republican subcommittee. Brandon Johnson is one of the worst mayors in the history of this country and this full and inept asshole along with Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and CCP plant Boston mayor Michelle Wu will be answering some tough questions they are set to challenge their straight and support for Sanctuary cities in AmeriCCPa. 
The Black supremacist mayor of Chicago and his White wife

      Sleazeball Mayor Brandon Johnson should be forcibly removed as the failed ayors have done a little to improve the situation and lifestyle for the people in their cities. In fact, the sanctuary cities brings down to quality of life in whether this is the intended purpose of scumbag Mayors like Brandon Jackson of Chicago is not known. What is known that the failed Chicago mayor is going to have to come and

defend his cities position in their resistance to working with ICE officers who are intent and getting criminals out not only out of the city of Chicago, but now the fucking country. Brandon Johnson wants these criminals as he himself is a criminal politician part of a criminal corrupt union system the teachers union and this shit head should be arrested on the spot after testifying before either the senate or house

committee I'm not sure. Brandon Johnson is a jackass and a half who has failed miserably in his short time as hopefully one-term Chicago mayor and this dumb motherfucker will further embarrass himself in the city surely when this subcommittee takes place and this nerd Jackass has to answer questions that are undefensible. The world Waits on pins and needles for this day in subcommittee and many want to see Brandon Johnson humiliated in front of the world
Chicano's mayor and morbidly obese and disgusting gangster governor JB Pritzker

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